What’s that saying again? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? I don’t think we’re quite there yet, but for all of you MOdified Newtonian Dynamics fans (and Dark Matter haters) out there here’s a bit of good news.

  •  Lilnino   ( @Lilnino@beehaw.org ) 
    3111 months ago

    I hate this title, even though it’s a good article. It’s nothing to do with gravity “breaking down”; maybe oul the current THEORY of gravity breaking down. So annoying that titles need to be sensationalized.

    • Well, it is a direct quote from the study, so maybe not the journalist’s fault this time:

      “direct evidence for the breakdown of standard gravity at weak acceleration” and reveal “an immovable anomaly of gravity in favor of MOND-based modified gravity”

    • Yeah, a better title would have been “new observations show gravity anomaly indicating that current dark matter theories are incomplete”, but you get fewer clicks with something like that, right?