Sylvain Charlebois discusses the subtle alteration in the nutritional composition of some products as manufacturing costs soar in the industry.

  • Nothing about government is automatic. It is just people. People you literally hired, typically on a four year contract, to work for you.

    And even then, those people filing your demands as regulation requires enforcement, else regulation means nothing. And so your direct reports have to hire even more people to do that, and you have to keep on top of them to make sure they are doing their job.

    Or you could just hire someone else to do it directly – or work with your own food you produced yourself. It’s all the same at the end of the day. It’s just people, no matter how you slice it.

    This magic you seem to be envisioning certainly isn’t as boring, but no more than passive entertainment and of no relevance to reality.

      • I’m done interacting with you.

        An interesting contradiction. If you were done interacting with me you would not be in a position to tell me.

        Is your intent here simply to say silly things so that we can laugh at them? If so, I apologize for assuming you were attempt to speak rationally, in good faith, and not as a comedy performer.