A joint U.S.-Mexico topographical survey found that 787 feet of the 995-feet-long buoy line set up by Texas are in Mexico.

  • Building a fence has nothing to do with that. If Texas had setup a federal border crossing, that would be illegal. If Texas had that fence constructed in such a way that a federal border crossing were blocked off, that would be illegal. A natural land border augmented with a fence isn’t an international incident and you don’t need permission from the federal government to do that.

    • You sure as hell do when you put 80% of it outside your borders, outside US borders no less

      This kind of thing could spark a war in different circumstances - imagine the Mexican army goes to dismantle the buoys in their borders, and one of several possible groups from Texas confronts them and it leads to a skirmish

      Mexico would be entirely within their rights - it’s on their property and it’s suspected to be leading to deaths