• I’m happy to see “fuck you, I got mine” is alive and well internationally, but why that was your first response to a plague vaccine being inaccessible to the masses should be up for question.

      • Glad to see you took my comment and turned it into something to hate me for.

        I just said that that’s weird, because just yesterday we went and didn’t have to pay. Just giving insight to the fact it’s not a paid thing everywhere.

        Seems like Americans still haven’t learned that the internet is GLOBAL. Saying:

        The pharma companies jacked up the price of the vaccines knowing future waves were coming and yearly boosters would be necessary.

        without any context of where you live, means I can take it anyway I want. So maybe this person lives in Canada, and I commented that it’s weird because my shot was free in Canada yesterday. Stop treating the internet as if it’s a US only thing. State where you’re from. State the currency you’re using (news flash, $ is not American).

        Stop being !usdefaultism@lemmy.world

          • I just said that that’s weird, because just yesterday we went and didn’t have to pay. Just giving insight to the fact it’s not a paid thing everywhere.

            Seems like Americans still haven’t learned that the internet is GLOBAL. Saying:

            The pharma companies jacked up the price of the vaccines knowing future waves were coming and yearly boosters would be necessary.

            without any context of where you live, means I can take it anyway I want. So maybe this person lives in Canada, and I commented that it’s weird because my shot was free in Canada yesterday. Stop treating the internet as if it’s a US only thing. State where you’re from. State the currency you’re using (news flash, $ is not American).

            Stop being !usdefaultism@lemmy.world