Shida lays out a challenge for the Ring of Honor Women’s Champion.

I’ll throw some quotes in the comments.

  • Just the relevant quote. There’s a bit more at the link, including a twelve minute “sit-down” interview with Shida.

    Shida plans to be a fighting champion. When asked if there’s anybody in particular she’s eager to wrestle, Shida named the Athena, who is considered by many to be the toughest women’s competitor in AEW/ROH.

    “Yeah, actually, I have one name. It’s Athena. Yeah. We had just one single at SHIMMER. It was a long time ago, but I really love that match. I’m watching her for a long time, of course, in AEW but before when she was in the other company, I saw her long time and always she’s good. So yeah, I believe in this reign I wrestle her. I really want to.”