A joint U.S.-Mexico topographical survey found that 787 feet of the 995-feet-long buoy line set up by Texas are in Mexico.

  • There’s a news report about 80% of Vermont’s trash winding up in Canada, is that not an international incident?

    I’m just trying to understand your own words, and you’re getting worked up. What do you think the words “international incident” mean?

        • Absolutely not. I’m saying that trash on an international border isn’t an international incident unless you are trying to make mountains out of mole hills. Neither is building a fence there.

          • So if that’s not what you’re arguing for, where is the line when something becomes an international incident?

            It seems to me like you aren’t sure or at least aren’t capable enough to communicate your position clearly, but you have a visceral need to keep arguing because your heels are so dug in already.

            • I’m not trying to come up with a general legal definition of “international incident.” I am merely disagreeing with calling this specific thing an “international incident,” at least unless the person using the term explains why they chose that term, and why that term matters in this case. But for me, international incident has much more weight then a fence that was built in the neutral area between two sovereign but friendly open-border nations.

              If you still want to go down the international incident branch, I’d consider the agricultural practices of US farmers in California drawing too much water for our downstream neighbors much more appropriate.

              • It’s an international incident because it requires international intervention to solve.

                If you look up the definitions of “international” and “incident” in any dictionary it should be pretty straight-forward to understand why anyone would use that term to describe the situation at hand. But somehow you’ve decided it’s not that - but you can’t say why specifically, nor can you define what qualifies as an international incident.

                But he owes you an explanation?

                Ok 🤣