1. N95 work the best but that doesn’t mean other masks do nothing. They still very much reduce risk

      2. this is an article about the UK. Election years aren’t really quite a thing in the UK as the UK parelement’s elections are called whenever the ruling party/coalition calls it as long as it’s within a certain time frame (in this case by 2025) and it’s highly unlikely for them to call for sooner than they have to as the Torries aren’t exactly polling well

      • Not to mention that it’s absolutely clear to everyone involved that the results of the next UK election is largely already decided and that stuff like this isn’t going to move the needle either way.

    • You’re looking at PPE one-dimensionally. The most effective use of PPE is combined with other types of PPE, as well as additional precautions and safe habits. Masks ALONE aren’t saving shit. A vaccine ALONE isn’t making you infallible.
      This is basic OSHA shit that everyone should at least realize where it applies to work. It carries over into your everyday. I’ve got a HAZWOPER certification I have to keep up every year, so it’s something ingrained at this point.