• I bet you, that people arent using masks correctly

    You have to use it only once. You cant touch it with your hand, etc etc

    Everyone is gonna wear the same mask over and over

    Its dumb and pointless. But the media mentions it like its the only solution.

    • it’s been a long time since I took biology but my gut keeps telling me that this isn’t some binary thing… like, all these suggestions we follow to me seem to be about minimizing exposure… like if I get 100 individual covid viruses in me through a cheap, cloth mask, my body can fight it off. And that may be a different outcome if I didn’t have a mask at all and got 1,000 individual viruses in me.

      I don’t know, I’m not a biologist, I just don’t get how everything is constantly framed as all or nothing. it doesn’t make sense to me.

    •  Piers   ( @Piers@beehaw.org ) 
      110 months ago

      Using a bad mask badly is still better than not at all. But we really are doing a lot worse in terms of quality of masks and mask usage than we ought to be…