Eddie Irizarry was killed by Philadelphia police and his family says the officer who shot the 27-year-old should face criminal charges.

  • I would venture to say that there are systemic issues across most police dept int eh US yet it often is worth a more nuanced convo than ACAB for sure. Some people just can’t handle the intricacies of real life and so they fall back on mass generalizations to avoid doing the hard work

    • No, thanks. The first comment, ok, I hear it. This one? No.

      Until more of these start shaking out where the people get justice, the cops should not be given the benefit of the doubt. We gave it to them for centuries. Enough. Clearly they have abused and continue to abuse that trust. The default now should be that the cops are lying and trying to cover up their bad behavior: it is the most common thing we see in these situations.