I’ve been really wanting to get a steamdeck. I’ve been playing a lot on my modded switch, but there is a lot I want to play that is not available on the switch.

Does anyone have both systems and still use the switch?

I imagine I can just dump my games and emulate them on the Steamdeck.

I don’t do anything online, so I can’t imagine I’ll miss out on anything.

Im an experienced Linux gamer, so im not worried about the Linux side of things.

  • If you’d like to play Nintendo games without emulation whatsoever. Tracking down a Switch that is easy enough to hack, and dumping all your games and saves can be a big ask for your average Switch/Deck fan. I only use my Switch to dump new releases I buy to play on either my Steam Deck or main rig. I beat ToTK fully through emulation, though that was on my main rig. I also could absolutely not live without the massive backlog that is the Steam library.

          • I truthfully emulated ToTK on my main rig, then streamed it to my Deck with Moonlight. At the time (launch week) I had a bit of issue emulating it on Deck to my liking, but I know at this point it’s not bad around 20-30. I played a lot of Street Fighter 6 on my Deck, with only World Tour mode running at 30, everything else is 60. I’m also working my way through Transistor, picking short indies to hammer out one at a time. Pretty much everything I want to run on the Deck will run, with the exception of Xbox 360 games, but I’m still able to run the unreleased Goldeneye 007 XBLA remaster without issue.

            • I played that unreleased remaster a couple years so. It’s so fun. I played the original as a kid and this was the first time I was able to complete the game in the hardest difficulty.

              I did not bother trying to unlock cheats. That game got really hard on the hardest mode.

              It took me hours and hits to beat Aztec on the hardest mode. Somehow I still remembered the secret path for the golden gun and was able to beat the final level on the first attempt.

          • For switch emularion, I only really got around to TotK so far. In general I play singleplayer RPGs, such as Witcher 3, Horizon: Zero Dawn, as well as some Cult of the Lamb. The Deck handled all of these very well at medium to medium-high settings. Emulation just adds a considerable performance overhead.