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  • It hasn’t. I’ve only bought ~4 games at full price the last decade, now I just wait for them to be around $20. The $70 price seems to be more focused on cashing in on people that buy on release, but prices go down all the same only like one year after release.

  • There’s nothing coming out AAA these days that’s worth the price of admission or pre-ordering. Blizzard hasn’t made anything worth playing for years, I don’t give a shit about the yearly reskin of Call of Duty, Starfield was a try before you buy with Gamepass - it really feels there hasn’t been anything in years worth getting at full price. Even Baulder’s Gate, which I would consider worth the full price, I picked up below average price prior to official launch.

  • Good AAA games are rare these days. If there’s something I want from them I can it buy 2nd hand or during a sale. Been having the time of my life with indie games for so long now I can’t remember the last big title I bought.

  • Hard to say, because none of the games with that price tag so far have piqued my interest in getting them on release in the slightest. If anything, it’s surprising how pretty much all my favorite games this year (Hi-Fi Rush, Talos Principle 2, Cocoon, Jusant) were available on release for just ~30€.

  •  uzi   ( ) 
    77 months ago

    Given how the quality of new releases and zero new games being worth the price, I have not bought a new release in over 10 years, maybe 12 years. I can’t justify the price vs. what companies have been putting out.

  • Recently, if it’s through Steam, I haven’t bought hardly anything. And the last things I’ve bought were either under $20 or on sale for under that price. Otherwise, the most expensive game I’ve bought in the last year was Pokemon Violet. Otherwise I have bought some used old games from a nearby shop for a cheap enough price.

    Though I do have plans to buy some indie games on my Steam list, some of which I first pirated and played, when I have the money because I’d much rather my money be going towards those indie devs than [insert soulless multi-million dollar company #3859].

  • Hasn’t changed a bit. I NEVER buy games new with maybe two exceptions being Fallout and Metal Gear, but even then I found good deals on them so I still didn’t pay full price. Every single game that looks like I might want it goes on my isthereanydeal waitlist and I don’t buy it until it’s at least 50% off.

    • Total War Warhammer series
    • Jurassic World Evolution 2
    • Half Life Black Mesa
    • Pathfinder Kingmaker
    • Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous
    • BG3

    Of which only Warhammer and BG3 were bought on launch, are the only games I’ve bought since 2016. So roughly 1 game per year, and mostly on discount. Launch price could be 200 USD for all I care, I don’t have time for trying out new games all the time.

    There are so many old classics to be played, and too many mtx ridden, unoptimised Unreal Engine AAA games being published for new games to be enticing.

  • I haven’t purchased games on release day for a LONG time, unless it’s a game I just simply cannot wait. Everything else is on Steam for 75-90% off.

    There’s really no point. Nearly every game launches these days completely broken. They have a ton of DLC or “special” editions for $150 CAD, and overall it’s a shit experience.

    Buy that shit for 75% off, complete edition, and full of bug fixes (or mods that fix everything).