Keir Starmer has praised Margaret Thatcher for effecting “meaningful change” in Britain in an article directly appealing to Conservative voters to switch to Labour.

Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, the Labour leader said Thatcher had “set loose our natural entrepreneurialism” during her time as prime minister.

“Across Britain, there are people who feel disillusioned, frustrated, angry, worried. Many of them have always voted Conservative but feel that their party has left them,” he said. “I understand that. I saw that with my own party and acted to fix it. But I also understand that many will still be uncertain about Labour. I ask them to take a look at us again.”

In the article, Starmer pointed to Labour prime ministers of the past – Tony Blair and Clement Attleee – as well as Thatcher, as examples of how politicians can effect meaningful change.

  • Whilst I understand his desire to try and grab some disillusioned mild-far-right-wing votes as the Tories begin to Tory each other into irrelevance, I do worry that I’m hearing a bit too much right-wing appeasement off of this ham baboon and not enough of the “meaningful change” everyone from the centre leftwards has been waiting for for over a decade.

    • I genuinely think it’s more a matter of it being a good idea to just garner as many votes as possible and if that means trying to appeal to the opposition then so be it.

      Anyway at this point it’s not like we have any better options.

      • But if you become your opposition in order to do it you failed. But yeah, you don’t have options. It’s the same thing globally now, until we start making pez dispensers from the rich all we can have is full on fascism or tory-light, except translated to the local version.

        Starmer is still a tory plant, I bet you in a couple of years you get proof of this

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Keir Starmer has praised Margaret Thatcher for effecting “meaningful change” in Britain in an article directly appealing to Conservative voters to switch to Labour.

    Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, the Labour leader said Thatcher had “set loose our natural entrepreneurialism” during her time as prime minister.

    In the article, Starmer pointed to Labour prime ministers of the past – Tony Blair and Clement Attleee – as well as Thatcher, as examples of how politicians can effect meaningful change.

    “The course of shock therapy we gave our party had one purpose: to ensure that we were once again rooted in the priorities, the concerns and the dreams of ordinary British people.

    His praise of Thatcher – a divisive figure in British politics – is likely to raise eyebrows on the left of the Labour party.

    Elsewhere in the article, Starmer criticised the government’s handling of Brexit, arguing it had wasted economic opportunities made possible by the split from the EU.

    The original article contains 432 words, the summary contains 159 words. Saved 63%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • Oh what a surprise, the 5th columnist has revealed his true colours as a Thatcherite Quisling. “Across Britain, there are people who feel disillusioned, frustrated, angry, worried. Many of them have always voted Conservative but feel that their party has left them,"?

    And across Britain, there are people who feel disillusioned, frustrated, angry, worried. Many of them have always voted Labour but feel that their party has left them,

    In the words of the song, “never trust a Tory or a Tory in disguise.”

    •  Echo Dot   ( ) 
      7 months ago

      Isn’t it more that it’s worth it for labour to appeal to the opposition voters? It doesn’t necessarily mean anything. I wouldn’t worry necessarily.

      It’s like traditional labour voters feel as if labor’s ultimate responsibility is to always piss off the right at all costs, as if that’s going to achieve anything. Nah, cosy up to them by all means.