James Somerset was making $170,000 a year with nearly 6 million views and 267,000 subscribers on YouTube, until…

  • When Hbomberguy goes after you, you know you are in big trouble.

    I still can’t believe I watched a “3 hour” video essay on plagiarism and its worth every minute.

      • So basically, James Somerton stole literally all of his content from other queer creators while positioning himself as the de-facto queer creator to support. And by “all his content”, it really means all his content. Every. Single. Thought. Was plagiarized from someone else’s writing. And the extremely few that didn’t revealed that James Somerton is a crazy misogynist Nazi-loving lesbophobic transphobe.

        Basically, he’s a massive piece of shit who’s comically evil to a mind-numbing degree.

      • You should care if you follow any YouTube creators. It is the biggest topic right now on YouTube. Everyone is affected because lazy creators and content farms stealing other people’s work is such a big problem on YouTube.

        • “any YouTube creator” is a stretch. The video called out a few people, and I can imagine that quite a few more vlog style YouTubers are guilty of it. But the vast majority of channels I follow either properly cite their sources or don’t need to, because they present original work.

      • Essentially, Hbomberguy dug up every skeleton on this guy’s closet and went to town on them, identifying and tracking down most, if not all of the original authors of the works this fucker plagiarized. And the internet blew the video sky high, which made a lot of eyes turn to this guy’s actions, in the wrong way (for him).

      • I’m usually not into social media drama but I did watch the video. It’s set up in a way so you don’t have to know any of the people mentioned and don’t really have to care about the people mentioned afterwards either. It does take a really close look into modern plagiarism, specifically through YouTube and video essays. I thought the way all the information was really well presented.

        Hbomberguy starts off with an example of a plagiarist who responded poorly to his accusations. This was a set up for the following examples and call outs of plagiarists which further explored the various reactions and attempts at damage control to preserve a creators reputation. That was the main focus for the first half of the video. The second half then focuses on James Somerset which others have already explained in this thread. What I found interesting was how James Somerset was very much a culmination of all the prior examples. Yet he was able to navigate his way around the accusations while continuing to profit off other peoples honest work. The fact that James Somerset is removing himself from the internet shows how thorough Hbomberguy was in documenting the plagiarism.

        The video also touches on a things like Content Mills and AI Generative Art which still falls under the topic of plagiarism.

        I’m not an artist or creator in any capacity, I just found the video interesting. Especially how the examples or accused reacted to the discoveries of plagiarism. However, I think artists and creators could probably benefit from watching this video to understand the possibilities of what happens to your work once you release it to the internet. Plagiarism seems to cause a lot more grief and frustration once you start to look further past the act of a person simply taking someone else’s work.

      •  Hisnitch   ( @Hisnitch@beehaw.org ) 
        710 months ago

        It’s mostly covered in ToddfromtheShadow’s, who happened to choose actual violence and dispute as many claims as possible. Some of the things that came up is that:

        • He thinks that all the gays who died in the Aids pandemic were the cool ones and that the boring ones didn’t do anything but focus on the boring rights, like the very cornerstones of the Civil Rights movements. The specific statement is also a directly plagiarized statement that came from someone who was mostly aiming it at artists because she liked to start shit.
        • He seems to really like nazis to the point of making shit up about how the Nazis are the reason why Amercians enlisted in WW2 (for those who don’t know, America did not have a large enough enlistment and most GIs were conscripted soldiers) and proposing fringe theories about why we designed our body building programs in first place.
        • He despises women and transpeople. When he isn’t plagiarizing (and therefore going off script) he goes on entire tangents about why women are the reason why Dalmar and Bundy get away with their crimes, and he stills massive amount of his work from transpeople. He also likes to deal in my personal favorite, Bi Erasure.