• The party’s official position is that it supports transgender people and backs making it easier to change legal sex via self-determination.

    But there are long-running tensions with members who hold gender-critical beliefs, which includes that a person’s sex cannot be changed.

    They mean gender right? Who in this is confusing sex and gender again? Is it the green party or the BBC or both, I literally cannot tell after reading this.

    • “Gender critical” people chant “sex cannot be changed” like a mantra.

      It’s not meant to make sense. It’s not even a real argument, because it’s overly vague and doesn’t even attempt to address the arguments of their opponents. It’s just a flat reassertion of their ideology. And if you follow gender criticals for long enough, you will see that they do this constantly.

    •  apis   ( @apis@beehaw.org ) 
      7 months ago

      The BBC has had a lot of TERFy journalists (as has The Guardian), so could be they intentionally ran with the line used by this disaffiliated GPW group.

    • Gender identity cannot be changed, that’d be akin to conversion therapy.

      Gender expression can be changed, and it’s part of socially transitioning, but trans people do change their sex through hormones and surgeries.

      • My current understanding is this:

        Sex is chromosomes, immutable, unchanged, majority binary with some exceptions (xxy etc).

        Gender is expression and roles, which is just social construct stuff, how it’s expected genders to look and act, tradition, doesn’t really matter, can change as we see fit.

        Your post has very much confused me, would you defining sex, gender, gender expression and gender identity for me?

        I’m an ally but I need concrete definitions to make arguments against the anti-trans folks.

        • Okay, I’m not an expert so take this with a grain of salt, but my understanding is:

          • Gender identity: your “brain sex”, determines what gender you are.

          • Gender expression: social stuff like your clothes, how you talk, and other things related to presentation. Doesn’t determine your gender.

          • Sex: in a social context, sex is more about primary and secondary sex characteristics and less about reproduction and chromosomes. Many secondary sex characteristics change with hormones, and primary ones can be changed via surgery.

    •  livus   ( @livus@kbin.social ) 
      7 months ago

      My guess is that the error originates in one of the Green Womens’ Group terf people that the article quotes at length. Article authors repeated it in their own text and subeditor didn’t pick up on it.

      • What I find shocking is not the amount of transphobia per se (unfortunately that is common the world over) but just how pervasive it is across all facets of UK society including progressive newspapers, academia and the friggin Green Party.

            •  livus   ( @livus@kbin.social ) 
              7 months ago

              @echodot kbin autopopulates the ats, I guess because it is useful for mastodon who we also federate with.

              Sometimes I leave it in because threading is still a bit dicey so it helps me keep track of who I’m talking to, can stop if it bugs you though.

              • I’ve definitely noticed it bugs some people. I wonder if those people maybe just don’t understand why it’s happening, combined with it looking silly on Lemmy when you don’t know why it’s happening? That it autopopulates just like it does on Mastodon and did on Twitter, like you said. Although, I definitely remember people getting annoyed with it on Twitter, too, lol. Anywho, you’re not hurting anybody, but it’s kind of you to offer to stop if it’s bugging them. :) Maybe a PSA about it, why it happens, and why people leave the tags in their replies, posted to a lot of different communities/magazines/topics would help?

                •  Echo Dot   ( @echodot@feddit.uk ) 
                  7 months ago

                  I don’t really mind it was just a bit odd so I brought it up.

                  The biggest problem is it results in me getting two notifications, the first one for the comment reply, and then another one because my username has been mentioned.

                  It makes me feel like I’m 50% more popular than I really am

    •  Echo Dot   ( @echodot@feddit.uk ) 
      7 months ago

      They’re not a political party they are just a single issue activist group run by unrealistic ex hippies.

      They’re the same type of people that say that nuclear energy is as bad as fossil fuels, which really undermines their own philosophy, and that genetically modified crops are the root of all evil conveniently forgetting that they’ve been in use for decades at this point. If it weren’t for nitrogen fixing plants we probably will be dead by now or at least have a severely depleted population.

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Senior members of Green Party Women (GPW) claim the group was “disaffiliated” because of their promotion of “gender-critical views”.

    The party’s official position is that it supports transgender people and backs making it easier to change legal sex via self-determination.

    The BBC has seen documents that show the Green Party disaffiliated the GPW for failing to run its planned Autumn 2021 committee election until January 2022.

    Zoe Hatch, the GPW’s most recently elected co-chair who is currently suspended from the party, described the decision as a “convenient way for the ruling bodies to shut down the women’s group”.

    Emma Bateman, a former co-chair of GPW who was briefly expelled from the party, said the disaffiliation was to “demonstrate that women stepping out of line will be punished”.

    The party also supports making it easier for trans people to change their legal status without the need for a Gender Reassignment Certificate (GRC).

    The original article contains 726 words, the summary contains 151 words. Saved 79%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!