Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
useless_modern_god ( @useless_modern_god@aussie.zone ) 16•1 year agoThis little slice of heaven managed to stowaway in someone’s car around the engine compartment, made A harrowing journey over several kilometres of freeway and was found in a carpark at Chadstone. The owner is not known at this time. It’s a Christmas miracle kitty now known as “Pudding”
Eagle ( @Eagle@aussie.zone ) 7•1 year agoThe cat distribution system hard at work… Pudding is beautiful!
Seagoon_ ( @Seagoon_@aussie.zone ) 5•1 year agoGrey kitties are the sweetest. 💗
CEOofmyhouse56 ( @CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone ) 4•1 year agoPerfect name.
Alamutjones ( @Alamutjones@aussie.zone ) 4•1 year agoPudding! Hi!
melbaboutown ( @melbaboutown@aussie.zone ) 4•1 year agostowaway in someone’s car around the engine compartment, made A harrowing journey over several kilometres of freeway and was found in a carpark at Chadstone
The Magic Pudding!
Seriously that was so dangerous for kitty, glad they’re okay
fullkitwanker ( @fullkitwanker@aussie.zone ) 3•1 year agoHello pudding! 👋
PeelerSheila ( @PeelerSheila@aussie.zone ) 11•1 year agoStanding next to a large pizza oven on a day like today I don’t recommend! It was so hot I felt like my brain was gonna pop! Then I stationed myself at the dish sink and washed trays for a few hours. Mmm hot soapy water… It was like an endurance test. Now sitting in front of split system at home going “aaaah!” blissfully.
bananafungus ( @bananafungus@aussie.zone ) 10•1 year agoThere’s a pathological story teller in my workplace. I was growing sick of it so I finally put them to shame today. They started bubbling and babbling and squirming so hard over being called out, and I don’t feel an ounce bad about it.
TinyBreak ( @TinyBreak@aussie.zone ) 4•1 year agoC’mon, you cant tease us like that. Full story please!
bananafungus ( @bananafungus@aussie.zone ) 4•1 year agoI would love to because it was truly hilarious, but it’s too work-specific. Just know they’re probably going to keep very quiet for a while, hopefully. Also, the porky was in an area I am known for, and just about everyone who witnessed it knows that.
Seagoon_ ( @Seagoon_@aussie.zone ) 4•1 year agobeware , they may plot revenge and tell lies about you behind your back
bananafungus ( @bananafungus@aussie.zone ) 2•1 year agoTheir bullshittery is well known. From the ensuing murmurs that went around after, no one ever takes them seriously.
Seagoon_ ( @Seagoon_@aussie.zone ) 1•1 year agoand yet words still have power
Pilk ( @Pilk@aussie.zone ) 3•1 year agoDid them a favour, I reckon.
the_procrastinata ( @the_procrastinata@aussie.zone ) 10•1 year agoLindau today, unfortunately the markets were closed so here’s a picture of the Christmas tree in from of the old town hall.
PeelerSheila ( @PeelerSheila@aussie.zone ) 4•1 year agoStunning!
SpinMeAround ( @SpinMeAround@aussie.zone ) 3•1 year agoSo pretty!
useless_modern_god ( @useless_modern_god@aussie.zone ) 10•1 year agoUpdate on Pudding cat: kitty is 5 weeks old and has no microchip. Someone will door knock around the suspected area of origin.
If no joy, there are at least 4 trustworthy individuals who have put their name in a hat for adoption. Come Friday, someone will go home with a Christmas miracle pudding.
We have two furballls already so we aren’t in the running ( even though I really would take it in to form a feline fire team)
Alamutjones ( @Alamutjones@aussie.zone ) 9•1 year agoFirst day under my new work contract.
I’ve stopped for lunch and so far am pleased with my day
melbaboutown ( @melbaboutown@aussie.zone ) 9•1 year agoShit’s fucked
Another night of screaming antics where I called the police twice, talked to them. This guy had been yelling some really vile things too. Then it started up again a third time after they left (around 3-4am maybe) and I was too tired to call again. Probably not nice but I’m praying VCAT hurries up and hopefully he gets forced into treatment.
Melbcat also has stress induced cystitis and I’m waiting for her painkillers to kick in.
I haven’t touched my ukulele in a while either. It’s like I just don’t have energy to spare to learn new things or be creative
Seagoon_ ( @Seagoon_@aussie.zone ) 3•1 year agoSo many hugs.
What do your other neighbours think about this? Is it possible you can get some kind of help from a neighbour, such as accompanying you when you take out your rubbish bins?
melbaboutown ( @melbaboutown@aussie.zone ) 3•1 year agoUnfortunately not, there’s a few NQR people here and the quiet ones like me also keep to themselves. I’ve found it best honestly, to avoid neighbourhood drama or unwanted advances. Apparently though there have already been complaints so other people have been reporting this
Seagoon_ ( @Seagoon_@aussie.zone ) 2•1 year agoGet to know those quiet neighbours. You and they will be safer. At the moment you are all each of you alone trying to cope. Loud obnoxious people thrive when they see everyone is separate and afraid. Band together and the obnoxious people likely won’t even start.
Maybe you could drop a note in a neighbour’s letter box?
melbaboutown ( @melbaboutown@aussie.zone ) 3•1 year agoI’d really rather not buddy up anymore. I’m a more introverted person, have hit my tolerance for people and even some of the quiet ones aren’t trustworthy or I find myself caregiving extensively for others with energy I don’t have.
It sounds harsh but I’m exhausted and trying to protect myself from that.
Seagoon_ ( @Seagoon_@aussie.zone ) 2•1 year agohugs, I understand
melbaboutown ( @melbaboutown@aussie.zone ) 2•1 year agoThanks. It’s shit eh. Hopefully one day I’ll find somewhere else where I can just keep to myself
TinyBreak ( @TinyBreak@aussie.zone ) 3•1 year agoProbably not nice but I’m praying VCAT hurries up and hopefully he gets forced into treatment. I dont *THINK *VCAT can force that. They’ll throw them out (eventually) but they’ll be given chance after chance after chance. They’ll end up on the street, and then maybe if they are lucky fall through the cracks into support, but more likely not.
I don’t know the specifics of the situation, but recommend you look at a plan B here cause waiting for mental health support services is a long wait for a train that dont come.
melbaboutown ( @melbaboutown@aussie.zone ) 2•1 year agoNo, VCAT can’t force that. I’m hoping though that there’s a team involved that can place him somewhere he can be treated. The whole thing is unfortunate.
Unfortunately there’s very little I can do other than wait. And wait. And wait. And hope not to be physically or sexually assaulted in the meantime. (Not an unreasonable fear. He’s volatile and already had a go at me unprovoked while putting out my bins.) The system has failed these people.
I can try calling CATT or ACIS but you’re right when you say it’s a wait for a train that never comes.
00Steve ( @00Steve@aussie.zone ) 2•1 year agoHonestly, involuntary mental health care admittance is almost impossible, i have found this out personally, even if the person is at risk of hurting themselves or others.
melbaboutown ( @melbaboutown@aussie.zone ) 2•1 year agoYep. In one way it’s a very good thing to prevent human rights abuse, but in situations like this where the person is a danger they need treatment.
bull⚡ ( @bull@aussie.zone ) English8•1 year agoI hate that whenever I catch a glimpse of myself in a reflection I look furious for no reason. Resting furious face when I’m actually just plodding along quite contently is annoying.
bull⚡ ( @bull@aussie.zone ) English8•1 year agoEveryone takes a photo of these so tonight is my turn. Also it’s somehow even hotter outside now than it was this afternoon! I’m out for a stroll just dripping.
bull⚡ ( @bull@aussie.zone ) English2•1 year agoAnother!
melbaboutown ( @melbaboutown@aussie.zone ) 7•1 year agoscratching around for crumbs of dopamine
Thornburywitch ( @Thornburywitch@aussie.zone ) English7•1 year agoLots of sheet lightning glowing up the clouds here. And rolls of thunder. No rain as yet, but windy.com shows a few supercells heading south towards us. When it hits it’ll hit hard I reckon. EDIT: It’s just started to rain - big heavy drops and lots of really loud thunder.
oztrin ( @oztrin@aussie.zone ) English2•1 year agoRain just hit here after 5 minutes of dry lightning and thunder.
Bottom_racer ( @Bottom_racer@aussie.zone ) 2•1 year agoHad a good sharp little downpour here in kew but watering sytem remains on.
tone_212 ( @tone_212@aussie.zone ) English2•1 year agoPretty sure I’m under a super cell, it’s belting down! Hope my drains can keep up.
CEOofmyhouse56 ( @CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone ) 2•1 year agoNo Rain here. A little t & l in the distance. My belly was rumbling louder.
Seagoon_ ( @Seagoon_@aussie.zone ) 1•1 year agoI’m directly under the lightening. The candles are lit, just in case there’s a power outage
Cendana ( @Cendana@lemm.ee ) 1•1 year agoYup. Massive drops on the windshield lol.
Nath ( @Nath@aussie.zone ) 7•1 year agoKid #1 is graduating primary school. We managed something that neither of us had: same school/friends from prep all the way to finishing primary school. Even better: 2/3 of his closest friends are going to high school with him.
PeelerSheila ( @PeelerSheila@aussie.zone ) 3•1 year agoEldest Minipeeler has high school orientation today! He is so excited for it and his graduation wipes away find happy/sad tear
Nath ( @Nath@aussie.zone ) 1•1 year agoOk, that was a much bigger deal than I expected it to be. I thought it’d be like a school assembly “Hey these kids are leaving” and be done in an hour. Not so, we had awards and a little blurb on every child: Which High School they’re going to and their hoped for carreers.
An alarming number of these children dream of being YouTube stars.
Bottom_racer ( @Bottom_racer@aussie.zone ) 7•1 year agoHeading back to melbs today.
Looks like they’ve fixed the waurn ponds southern cross line. Big nasty collision with a fully laden semi=trailer at the level crossing in north shore yesterday (RIP truck driver) and derailed the front carriage of the train. yikes.
Seagoon_ ( @Seagoon_@aussie.zone ) 6•1 year agoI’m looking at recipes for icing for cookies and seeing the pictures I’m reminded just how beautiful American feasts are. Maybe growing up poor and from a European family that didn’t really celebrate xmas much means I don’t know, but my friends growing up were pretty much the same.
Anyway, these beautiful hand made sugar cookies are typical of American Christmas. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=icing+for+christmas+cookies&atb=v314-1&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images
I think I’ll just do plain white icing
Mittens_meow ( @Mittens_meow@aussie.zone ) 1•1 year agoThey do look pretty. I usually just do white icing made with lemon juice on gingerbread. Super tasty.
TinyBreak ( @TinyBreak@aussie.zone ) 6•1 year agomy phone is behaving like shit. Nothing OBVIOUSLY wrong, just apps crashing touch responding strangely. Bluetooth randomly cutting out for some devices but not others. Just noticed there is a new IOS out so I’ve updated that, heres hoping thats fixed it. Worst case its under apple care, but words cant describe how much I want to avoid Doncaster/fountain gate/highpoint ATM. Anyone else’s iphone running poorly?
mysticgreg ( @mysticgreg@aussie.zone ) 5•1 year agoSo, um… based on your earlier post… did… did you check it for bite marks…?
TinyBreak ( @TinyBreak@aussie.zone ) 1•1 year agoYep, its clean.
the_procrastinata ( @the_procrastinata@aussie.zone ) 2•1 year agoTry doing a hard reset and updating everything that needs updating. Otherwise yeah, you’ll probably need to take it in 😞
TinyBreak ( @TinyBreak@aussie.zone ) 1•1 year agoyeah, might have to.