• Part of it (I think) is that they treat their userbase as their customers, when in fact, we’re not - the companies they’re farming out our data to are the customers. We’re the product, or rather, we’re producing the product.

      The ideal case for both them and us would be for them to keep us as complacent and happy as possible, so we use their service more - remove as many roadblocks as possible, add in QOL features, charge nothing, etc.

      Then, when they have a bigger, more consistent influx of data, they put the thumbscrews to the companies that want to purchase that data, or want access to the API for AI training or whatever, and charge them a mega premium.

      Not that I love the idea of being “the product”, but from a purely utilitarian view, that seems like the most long-sighted way for them to operate.

  • 2 main issues I have with Threads right now -

    1. Inability to tailor your feed to just follow your friends. The amount of brand activity in my feed is frankly overwhelming and puts me off using the app completely atm.
    2. I don’t really see how this is going to be any different to IG in terms of content if it’s NOT going to be a place for breaking news and stories like Twitter was/is. If I’m just going to be served random content the algorithm thinks I like, then why bother having an account at all? Most people just seem to be using it in the same way as IG with pics accompanying a few lines of text.
    • I don’t think it’s in its final form.

      It’s obvious that brands and influencers were offered the chance to be pre-verified and, while I haven’t seen direct evidence myself, the word is that they could get some kind of FB/insta promotional discounts by being there to post on day 0 with a witty canned line about how great it was to be on threads

      So when the app opened to the masses, they don’t have to follow anybody or wait for their friends before it had “value”. They open it up and there are a bunch of brands and “personalites” making it looking like it’s already alive and the place to be

      The other stuff will probably come later… although there’s the chance that they’re going after tiktoks model of “we know what you want”