I’m an adult considering a change of career. I have no relevant education or experience. I’m at least an hour away from anywhere that could be considered a major city and would not like to move. My only requirements are that I am actively helping our ecosystem thrive and I’m not dirt poor. What’s a position I could reasonably obtain?

  • Are you interested in fixing things? Do you have any aptitude for it?

    Repairing and maintaining machinery can pay well and be very rewarding.

    Depending on the sector you work in, you can also be helping the ecosystem.

    • Another comment (that got deleted) mentioned wind turbine tech and I found one nearby that didn’t have any specific requirements and applied. To answer your question, yes I’ve been able to fix mechanisms and electronics with a good rate of success. I’d be open to other suggestions in that realm.

  • permaculture – food forest with an eye towards market garden – regenerate your land, feed your family, and sell the excess at your local farmers’ market

    EDIT: side benefit, there’s a direct connection between getting your hands dirty and mental health

  • Generally, you would be best off transitioning to a field that still plays to your strengths. What do you do now? What experience do you have? What country/state do you live in? Without this information it’s difficult to make a reasonable recommendation.