• I finally changed to Linux this year for good at least on my personal devices. I stayed on Windows just because of MS Office because I was doing work on my personal PCs at times. I needed Excel because I can’t stand LibreOffice Calc and only just recently learned about OnlyOffice. With having my work provide a PC though during COVID to all employees, I don’t need Excel on my personal PC anymore so I made the switch to Linux Mint. Tried a few different distros but just like the simplicity of Mint and Cinnamon is much better than Gnome for me.

      •  SALT   ( @letbelight@lemmy.ml ) 
        11 year ago

        I agree with this, and the GUI is simpler on Calc. Pivot Table, Filter indeed great in Calc, and I love how having snapshot for each file portable not depends on the OS file history.

        Last I love how now days I can use LibreOffice more than ever than 10 years ago… !libreoffice@lemmy.ml

      • I haven’t used it in a while but I remember tab not autocompleting a formula I was typing and I also remember that if you started a formula with a + it wouldn’t handle it. I type a lot of formulas that I start with a + because it’s easy to do on the ten key. But it was more that a lot of small things and keybindings were different from Excel and because I needed to use Excel at work, it was annoying to have two separate workflows.

    • You jest but as you know this really is something Linux users have had to do with many things, like games. Game works with wine/proton but only has windows support? You’re a windows gamer now. If you use linux and FF, some sites break unless you spoof as windows and edge. We have been doing this to ourselves, hopefully it gets better.

  • according to StatCounter’s data

    Our tracking code is installed on more than 1.5 million sites globally.

    Source: https://gs.statcounter.com/faq#methodology

    Such statistics are always to be taken with a grain of salt.

    There are more than 1.5 billion websites worldwide. Statcounter therefore covers only a small fraction of them. So chances are good that you as a Linux user do not use any of these 1.5 million websites that Statcounter uses to create their statistics.

    Furthermore, I suspect that many Linux users use tools like uBlock Origin or Pi-Hole, so that the things that are used to track users are blocked.

    Apart from that, I have several Linux installations with which I never access a website. Sometimes they have no direct connection to the Internet. Thus, they are also not recorded.

    But now to the most important. 3 percent of what? Percentage numbers don’t tell anything if you don’t know the number of users behind them. Let’s assume that there were 2.8 percent Linux users in May. In June, only 2.6 percent. Nevertheless, it is possible that there were more actual users in June if the total number of all users increased accordingly.

    • Yeah man that’s how statistics work. It’s not a census. The people behind statscounter make calculations and approximations based on the data they get from they trackers. I think they know that there are people with tracking-blockers. And not only on windows.

      They don’t just present simple numbers they get. They polish them and that’s literally their job.