What Linux distro do you use? What do you use it for? What is your experience with it? Why did you switch to Linux?

  • Tbh lemmy is already oversaturated with linux content. I use Zorin OS, and before that I was using Mint for a very long time, then tried out Pop OS!. It’s my computer, so I use it whatever I want for. Zorin looks very good, is very stable (because kernel and software are not the bleeding edge). I switched to Linux because I was unable to install Windows on my brand new PC (some kind of error, I don’t remember anymore).

    • Arch
    • daily everything (programming, gaming, whatever else flies my way)
    • good, wouldn’t recommend this in particular to new people unless they aren’t afraid of a steep learning curve
    • privacy, more control over my system, and my computer finally does what I tell it to. (Even if sometimes it probably shouldn’t, but then that’s on me). Oh also: it makes programming so much more enjoyable. Need a dependency pacman -Syu whatever-i-need, done.
      • Probably the installation of the distro itself, since it doesn’t have a graphical interface that most computer savvy people are used to. I’ve heard that nvidia driver installation used to be complicated, and it’s usually necessary to employ command line for that. And even after you install Gnome or KDE, you’d still probably have to use bash for many, many things that you want to adjust or install. Oh, and since it’s a rolling distro, it can easily stop working after you update it. That’s what I know, I’ve never used Arch myself, been sticking to Debian-based distros for now.

        • Re: rolling updates breaking stuff. Doesn’t really happen. If there’s an issue updating there’s usually already an announcement explaining why and what to do. Also, Archwikiist just great.

    • Fedora
    • Everything I need. Study, programming, browsing, gaming, talking on Discord.
    • It works fine. I sometimes get black screen for 0.5 second at random, like maybe once every week. Also sometimes after suspending I need to restart pipewire to get audio back. But these are minor inconveniences.
    • I didn’t want to limit myself with windows. On Linux I can do what I want. And programming dependencies are way easier to install. like make, gcc, cmake, rust cargo, etc.
  • Kubuntu on my main while I set up my Proxmox VE home lab. Plasma is superbly customisable, but there’s something about Gnome that’s so pleasing to the eyes that makes me look up ways to make Gnome work for me.

    I have decided that xRDP is how I want to access my VMs (the only protocol that I’m able to reliably get multi display to work without additional configurations), so that’s my bare minimum requirement for now. The test Debian VM I had straight up would not install the xRDP Easy Install script.

    Switched to Linux (on my spare laptop) because that’s what the programming tutorial I was following at that time recommended (though I’ve had experience with Ubuntu on and off before this). Such a delightful experience setting up programming stuff on Linux compared to Windows (I know WSL exists, but I like to keep my environments separate). Now my Linux spare laptop is my main PC, while I’ve barely turned on my “main” Windows laptop lately. Helps that my entertainment is mainly YouTube and not much gaming, though I played a few steam games on it before with a few quirks.

  • I went with kubuntu. Mostly used for internet surfing and media viewing. Has been considering to switch to open suse. Doesn’t want to pay nor subscribe to anything for such usage.