• so what is everyone’s favourite part of the poster?

    the veins of gold, the saidin/saidar/coloured weaves, the new outfits (except for Mat & Lan’s look very similar to season 1 too), seeing the actors in characterm the fight scene with Uno vs the Seanchan, the fight scene with Perrin & Loial vs the seanchan, the mystery of what the background symbolises?

    Personally I always love theorizing about what we get, so any snippets of could this hint at, Is what I love most. (and of course getting excited for season 2)

    • I don’t think the different colors in the weaves there are attributes of saidin vs saidar. There was another short clip released, as a part of a larger Amazon Prime promo video, showing Egwene channeling firey weaves similar to what we see with Rand in the poster.

      The colored weaves is probably the coolest bit for me, though. I had never really thought of them as colored, while reading the books, but I know a lot of people wanted that so I’m happy if they actually deliver that.

    • In my opinion, yes. I am a long-time fan of the book series and have enjoyed the first season of the show. There are differences, as there always are with adaptations and especially an adaptation of this scope. Just as with all adaptations with existing fandoms, some fans are bitter about it.