• This game terrified my little brother at the time, I actually never finished it because he hid it and refused to tell me where it was. I got it back like a decade later when he found it in his closet while moving out, lol.

    • I think it’s probably the opening (or additional) cutscenes outside of the main game.

      I’ve read about the Carbon Engine, apparently it’s not an emulator, but just a layer on top / tool that works with existing emulators out there. So it probably can’t do anything outside what, say SNES9X, can do. Maybe the Carbon Engine will provide simpler cleaner UI to access emulator features that are too technical or hidden.

      I don’t expect them to romhack existing Clock Tower rom to change the sprites or add big features, since that would probably require more work and fiddling than just modifying the source code (if the source is not lost, of course).