From the article:

When we went to our seats, the wait staff let us know that despite the fact that the previews were playing, we wouldn’t know until the movie actually started whether we could see the film or not. If it didn’t work, the screen would just turn black. Luckily, the film went through without a hitch.

      • Made even worse by Sony, the manufacturer, completely exiting that market. I wonder if/how Sony will fix this, are there even staff on hand there with the technical details for their projector’s DRM anymore?

        It speaks volumes about how silly DRM is when a massive game publisher like TakeTwo/Rockstar resorts to selling a pirated version of their own game 🤦‍♂️

        The next time this happens those projectors may end up being $20000 bricks, and I’m not too sure how many independents will be able to afford dumping a quarter of a million to replace all their projector screens

  • The way we murder DRM is by it affecting the business bottom line.

    This might be an offense worthy of litigation if Sony is not sufficiently contrite.

    It’s telling how unfriendly the DRM is, that it doesn’t inform the protectionist of problems until the minute the show starts.

    Sony is a real dick.

      • While I completely agree with you based on the data, DRM is absolutely sold to publishers on the pretense that it combats piracy, at least with keeping paying customers from engaging with media in ways the publishers don’t like (such as lending content or selling that content used in a secondary market).

        And yes, the more draconian their restrictions, the more they drive people to resources that provide cracked or DRM-free content. That said, Sony is notorious for going to extreme lengths to severely limit use of their content outside narrow consumption, often with obligatory ad-viewing, driving people to either piracy, or avoiding Sony content at all.

        At one point, I might have been interested in playing Horizon Zero Dawn and went from buying it, to getting a refund to thinking about pirating it to eventually deciding I cannot be bothered. But then I steer clear of most AAA game companies, now.

  •  vsis   ( ) 
    346 months ago

    I also assume it’s an expired certificate.

    See, this is what happens when certificates are not renewed automatically.

    The article says the projectos are discontinued. That’s probably the reason no one is monitoring these certs.

    Another glorious benefit of DRM.

  •  JCreazy   ( ) 
    6 months ago

    I work at a movie theater and while we don’t use Sony projectors, we were told to check all of our certificates to prevent this from happening. This sounds like a communication issue to me. Someone didn’t do their job in time. Also in the article it says they wouldn’t know if the film would work until it actually played. If that is either an outright lie or the equipment is designed horribly. On the projectors we use which are going on a decade old, the playlist won’t even start if it can’t verify that all of the content is playable and unlocked. We can see when our certificates expire as well so if all of these certificates expired at the beginning of the year. The theater should have already caught that and had the certificates reissued. Keeping in mind that this wasn’t some sort of bug or glitch that nobody could have predicted, then disregard everything I said. DRM on movie theater. Projectors is an industry standard and all companies use it, not just Sony. Until the actual reason comes out, it’s hard to say. If it’s the certificates of the projectors themselves and not the movie keys which are two different things then yeah I could see how nobody knew what was going on. Especially if the projectors are discontinued. I do know that if our servers lose power and the CMOS battery goes dead, they will internally destroy themselves and never function again. This is to prevent piracy I assume.

    •  DonPiano   ( ) 
      146 months ago

      I do know that if our servers lose power in the CMOS battery is dead and then they will internally destroy themselves and never function again. This is to prevent piracy I assume.

      Holy shit, DRM needs to fuck off and die.

    •  JakenVeina   ( ) 
      6 months ago

      or the equipment os designed horribly

      I find this entirely believable. There’s a LOT of equipment out there designed for profit over user experience.

      But you’re right, it’s not really worth speculating over.

    • Curious about something, maybe you know since you work at a theater. I seem to remember hearing that a theater has to pay royalties each time they show a movie and that newer technology can track and report this automatically. Does the latest technology automatically track this as I recall? And if so, would playing a movie as a test count as a showing?

      •  JCreazy   ( ) 
        6 months ago

        While this certainly may be possible, I don’t think it’s tracked to that degree. Theaters pay to lease a film and the studio decides if there are special rules for being shown. Some smaller known movies have deals with the theaters to show the film at a very low cost in order to get people to watch it. On the first weekend most of the ticket profit goes to the studios and then every week the profit to the studios gets lower and the theaters get more of that money depending on what was agreed on. Some movies like the Taylor Swift concert film could only be shown after 12:00 p.m. and only Thursday through Sunday for example. Say there was a busy night and we sold out of a show, we could cancel a different show and play that sold out movie in another auditorium to fit more people in. This is fine for most studios except for Disney, if Disney finds out that you cancel one of their films to show a different film, they will not be happy. As far as I know we can show movies and definitely as long as we have the keys active for them and I don’t think the specific amount of time is reported back to the studios, we are just required to play it a minimum amount of times.

    • Not familiar with cinema projectors, but as I have gatherered from this forum problem is caused by KDM (used to decrypt movie) provider / reseller called Deluxe. Neither Sony or this cinema chain is at fault and problem indeed seems worldwide.

      I do know that if our servers lose power and the CMOS battery goes dead, they will internally destroy themselves and never function again. This is to prevent piracy I assume.

      Find it very hard to believe to be honest. Could this be simply some rumour from colleagues? Doubt any vendor would implement anything like this, drives could be simply encrypted to protect data if they ever get stolen.

      • Yes, I deal with KDMs weekly but I’m not for sure if this issue was KDM related or if it was certificate related. As for the service destroying themselves, I’ve never personally seen it happen, but I’ve been told by upper management that they’ve seen it happen twice. I don’t really have any way to verify the information but it wouldn’t surprise me and I don’t see why anyone would make that up unless they really don’t want people messing with it, but it seems like such an unlikely scenario.

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Sony is having issues with their projectors that is preventing us from being able to project movies at some of our theaters today.”

    As New Year’s Day is a holiday, we somewhat understandably haven’t yet been able to reach Alamo or Sony spokespeople, and not every theater or every screening was affected.

    That didn’t stop Alamo from blaming its Sony projectors for what at least one theater called a “nationwide” outage, however.

    “Due to nation-wide technical difficulties with Sony, we aren’t able to play any titles today,” read part of a taped paper sign hanging inside a Woodbury, Minnesota location.

    I’ve seen speculation on Reddit that it may have something to do with expired digital certificates used to unlock encrypted films, but we haven’t heard that from Alamo or Sony.

    Sony reportedly exited the digital cinema projector business in 2020; all of the company’s existing models are listed as discontinued.

    The original article contains 257 words, the summary contains 150 words. Saved 42%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  •  Auzy   ( ) 
    6 months ago

    Screw the movie theatres anyway… Here in Australia, there are two big ones (Hoyts and Village), and both screw patrons by doing things like charging patrons extra money for booking online.

    In fact, they ruined every joke in the simpsons movie for me (except one) by allowing ads to use clips from the movie. By 45mins of ads, every joke was ruined.

    I really wish the big theatres here would f off, and get replaced entirely by small ones. I don’t pay for 40mins of sh***y coca cola ads.

    I no longer go at all. It’s not a good experience, and its not even a good place to take a date

  • I worked as a projectionist in 2009 when the cinema got its first digital projector in order to be able to show Avatar in 3D. At the start of the movie no one actually knew if it would work. Due to the movie being encrypted - with every cinema in Germany waiting eagerly for the password - No cinema was able to play the movie. But everywhere cinemas were packed with people. Because of fuckups somewhere in this incredibly stupid system the movie was delayed about half an hour (IIRC) nationwide. With no-one knowing if it would eventually work - especially nice for the people working at the cinema having to deal with angry audience members.

    At the same time the 2D 35mm film-version we also had started without any problems (it was massive and pretty dicey to carry it around).

  • Fuck them. Alamo Drafthouse is a bad company who got bought out by a hedge fund. They treated their employees like they’re slaves. They used to make people clock out to clean the public bathrooms and theaters. Their justification “you get tips”.

    All the food is gross and handled by the most subservient drug addicts or drunks they can find.

    They replaced a lot of experienced management with fresh grad students who had no culinary experience and the blame was shifted to the back of house staff.

    If you ate at any of them you probably ate stuff that fell on the floor because since the wait staff is afraid of both the management and the customer they’d take it out on the cooks who give free floor seasoning to impatient people when accidents happen.

    I saw a cook impale their foot with a knife, the manager make fun of them, they rinse the knife, sanitize it in dish, and they chop up mushrooms with it. I reported it to the health inspector and my car’s windshield happened to get busted when the camera didn’t work.