While firms’ adoption of AI is still relatively low, rapid progress including with generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT), falling costs and the increasing availability of workers with AI skills suggest that OECD countries may be on the brink of an AI revolution. It is vital to gather new and better data on AI uptake and use in the workplace, including which jobs will change, be created or disappear, and how skills needs are shifting. When considering all automation technologies including AI, 27% of jobs are in occupations at high-risk of automation. Initial findings from a new OECD survey of AI’s impact in the manufacturing and finance sectors of seven countries highlight both the opportunities and risks that AI brings.

  • 80% of all jobs on the planet will be affected by AI. 80%! A company managed to get an AI trained on a company specific LLM to complete EIGHT YEARS worth of one employee’s work in 5 minutes. Let that sink in for a minute. 8 years worth of work in 5 minutes. My employer has highly trained, highly educated analysts that compile reports that take about 3 weeks worth of research and mathematics. An AI can compile a similar report in half a second. Some of us, most of us in fact, are truly fucked. AI could help us finally build a utopian society, but I’m pretty sure that it’ll end up benefiting like 100 people and everyone else will be left to fight over garbage to eat.

  • This would be something amazing, except for capitalism.

    Industrialization produces enough to provide for basic needs. But hoarding immense wealth means the masses suffer so the few can live high on the hog.

    One fact not taken into account: if society doesn’t change, laying off 30% of the workforce is a recipe for pitchforks and torches.