• I don’t care to devote mental effort to understanding why a company would intentionally remove revenue streams (particularly after years of withholding them from 3PA users) right before an IPO and right after the CEO has publicly stated that the company is not profitable. I’d say GLHF but with enough sarcasm to curdle milk.

  •  notamichael   ( @notamichael@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    Someone in the comments mentioned that apparently Reddit will be adding a tip ‘feature’ instead of awards for US users. So I’m happy I decided to quit Reddit.

    Oh I also forgot to mention that this might make Reddit more business friendly for community amas. Where without gold downvoted comments won’t appear to casual users. Think that Blizzard comment that has heaps of awards/gold but a record number of downvotes. This could make it easier for Reddit to hide controversial comments or more attractive for companies to engage with Reddit communities if they know their shit corporate pr comments will just hidden by downvotes.

    • Saw the same thing about tipping.

      I wonder how many repost or ChatGPT-generated spambots are going to end up with a bunch of tips. Reddit still gets the money, everyone else is just paying AI for content.

      Just go back to gold. They’re complaining about award spam and wanting to “make things simpler”. Gold/platinum was simple. Just do that. People would complain about it, but at least it would continue a longstanding tradition.

      Instead, they’re going to get “tipping”, the same way Musk is “going to pay creators for content” (he won’t; doesn’t even bother paying his lawyers). Huffman is trying so hard to be like Musk that it’s actually sad. Like a child trying to emulate his “hero”.

      He looks at the man who’s destroying, in real-time, the social media company he bought as a joke and thinks “now, that’s a good business strategy, what a genius”.

  •  Rentlar   ( @Rentlar@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    I had already figured that killing 3rd party apps was just the beginning of Reddit actively sabotaging itself ahead of its IPO. I’m glad I have Lemmy, and y’all at Beehaw.

    The 100c in my account is just as useful as my 38k karma. Way to screw over your paying customers, Reddit, now that you’re done screwing the so-called freeloaders.

    • I’d be kind of sad if Reddit went down the pan if I’d not discovered places like BeeHaw and even a few forums from the olden days for niche interests. Now I’m looking forward to riding that hellsite into the ground like the bomb in Dr Strangelove.

  •  ulkesh   ( @ulkesh@beehaw.org ) 
    151 year ago

    I deleted my account on Reddit with over 16,000 coins. Most accrued when the company wasn’t a piece of shit and I had paid for premium. I now regret giving them a dime. I sincerely hope Reddit dies and Huffman becomes destitute. I’m sure that won’t happen, but I can hope :)

  • Social media platform destroys a profitable method of community interaction. Truly the biggest of big brain moves. Kinda not surprising that all these bad decisions keep happening after the NFT collectible avatars thing they implemented.