Currently, I’m waiting for a sale that puts the base game and phantom liberty at around £25.
Am I being a bit silly?
Is it worth picking up the next time GOG do a sale for around £38?

Edit: I’d just like to say thank you to everyone who has responded with useful information, and opinions on the game. I think I may treat myself next time the base game is £25 (and I have a weekend to play!)

  •  Malix   ( ) 
    6 months ago

    only you can really answer that, worth is fairly subjective.

    The game has been in good shape for quite a bit, for most players on pc, anyway.

    I guess it kinda depends, is it strictly a budget question or is this about the quality of the product? For “those on board the hate-train” the game is irredeemable forever, for “fanbois” it’s been great always. Personally I’ve gotten closer to 600 hours of funtime out of it, so money-units per time-unit ratio is pretty good, but obviously your mileage will vary.

    edit: and if this is about budget, do consider that the game does require rather hefty pc to run, RT on or off.

    • I agree.

      Although I had way more fun in the game before the patch that changed the skill trees.

      To OP: The rough launch of the game made for some pretty steep sales. Idk if they’ll go that low again for awhile.

      •  Malix   ( ) 
        36 months ago

        Yea the skill tree changes are/were fairly divisive. I’m more on-board with the changes than against, but I do think the old version offered more freedom in builds, but… eh. It’s entirely serviceable as is.


        The “other skill tree” seemed to be largely useless for my “stealth archer” (sneaky silent pistol & hacker) character, the perks there seemed to be geared towards more action oriented approach.

        Anyway, at current my only real gripe with the game is the occasionally hella persistent cop chases. The cop patrols seem to spawn absolutely everywhere, and every time I lose them it feels more like gaming the system via technicalities than actually doing it the intended way. Could be a case of “gid gud”, tho. Last character (since patch and dlc) I played on normal, iirc.

        Also, the basegame has gone to -50% fairly regularly, basically every time gog/steam hosts any bigger sales happening. The dlc (according to steamdb) has been -15% twice, but it’s still fairly recent. Could be cheaper when summer sales arrive.

      •  Malix   ( ) 
        16 months ago

        Sounds like a solid plan. And also you’ll need few hours in the game to even access the dlc area anyway. At most you’d miss some early dlc-gated items as random drops/finds. Nothing major, mostly clothing items you can wear for cosmetics.

        Nothing you couldn’t get after getting the dlc.

  • DLC itself almost never goes on sale; you’ll be waiting for an eventual game of the year edition like 3-5 years out. CyberPunk 2.0 has all the base game improvements of Phantom Liberty, and easily 100 hours of content without the DLC.

    • That is interesting. I was hoping at the end of the year that the GOTY version might drop down a bit.
      But it sounds like I’ll be waiting a lot longer. Perhaps my best bet is to pay £25 for the base game, then get the DLC in a year or so when I have time again!

      • Solid plan, though the DLC adds an amazing micro-zone with its own, very fun plotline that can even add additional endings to the base game.

        I bought the base game on sale about a year ago, and then was confident enough to pull the trigger on the dlc on release. The game is really great at this point, was totally worth it.

      • I will just advise that in that circumstance, you’ll likely end up replaying the whole game if you grab the DLC later. Both muscle-and-regular memories will have faded by that time that late-game will be challenging to come back to even jf you’ve spec’d to be OP at the time. Not saying there’s anything wrong with replaying, only making sure you know to expect to.

        I played the game just after launch and did a modded replay in prep for Phantom Liberty but it took so long for some of the mods I now deem important to get updated that I ended up deciding to replay yet again.

  • I bought the base game alone, on sale, after phantom liberty and was very happy with it. I rarely finish games but played through to the end. The epilogue I got was really quite satisfying and while I was excited to try some of the other endings, haven’t gone back to it. It felt complete.

    I’m still very pleased with the purchase.

  • It is a brilliant game worth whatever you end up paying for it. That said, it isn’t going to mop the floor or fill your real bank account so waiting until it is a bit cheaper isn’t a bad thing regardless of FOMO anxiety.

  • I got gifted a copy for Christmas, been playing it like an addict since. I think it’s really good, a spiritual successor to the original Deus Ex which I loved too.

    Knowing what I know now, I’d happily have spent £30 on it.