• I always like to say everyone should have a zombie survival plan. Is there any possibility of zombies? No. But there’s a lot of overlap between prepping for the exciting, fictional disaster and boring, real-world natural disasters.

    • Having a fireaxe in your trunk might not let you chop off zombie heads, but it’ll sure be useful for clearing road debris after a hurricane.
    • Having a bug-out-bag with important documents and bottled water is also great for wildfire preparedness, even if that bag also has a spiky leather jacket in it.

    I encourage people to have a civil war plan. Do I expect we’ll have one? Not really, it wouldn’t be a two-sided conflict. But we can expect to see domestic terrorism (see also: insurrection) and potentially police riots (the police enacting organized violence as they did in 2020). If you’re ready for a civil war, you’re ready for the more mundane breakdowns we’re more likely to see.

    • Knowing first aid and how to treat a gunshot wound might not find use on a battlefield, but it could easily save someone’s life in a mass shooting or isolated hate crime.
    • Having ad-hoc or peer-to-peer communications is useful during riots and power outages.
    • If you can move ordinance discreetly across state lines, you’ll probably find the skillset applies to moving red state refugees as well.
    • Building a network of people you trust to band together when SHTF? Brother, you just invented a mutual aid network.

    So yeah, if you feel anxious about the possibility of a civil war (or zombies), channel that energy into prepping for it, and you’ll find that even if your predictions were wrong, your effort will not go to waste.

    •  V ‎ ‎   ( @vanderbilt@beehaw.org ) 
      6 months ago

      Furthermore, the American Civil War was precluded by several decades of escalating tension between the states, not between parties in the federal government. The legal and organizational attributes of a state also served to enable separatist states to even attempt to raise an army (this was by design). Bubba and his buddies will, as you said, be armed with nerf guns comparatively

    • It would be a guerilla collective against a conventional force that’s consistently failed against guerilla tactics.

      There’s no way to know how long it’d last or how it’d impact politics, but targeted acts of terrorism in cities would likely become a more common tragedy. It would pretty much gaurantee US states increasing their police forces and personal rights eroding, and I’m not looking forward to that.

  • No, these guys are way less organized than last time and Donald Trump is getting fucked in court still. I think its less likely now than it was 4 years ago. The GOP is fracturing and losing steam. Senators and governors are still a threat but not in the civil war type of way I don’t think.

    • Democrats too. half the country lost a pretty significant right to their own bodily autonomy that they’d taken foregranted for basically their entire life. and they just… rolled over and took it? that’s about the most concrete domestic loss they’ve taken this century, and more concrete than anything else on the table right now, so i honestly don’t know what would have to happen in order for the left to do anything meaningfully violent.

      • I’m sorry, but what were your expectations towards the Democrats here?

        These anti abortion laws were enacted at state level. By Republican state governments whose representatives were elected by the people. What did you want the Democrats to do here? Even if they complained, in the end if they don’t have the majority in the state government, they have no power to do anything.

        Even at the federal level, the Senate is 48 Democrat members, 49 Republican members and 3 independents. They don’t have the majority there either.

        And in the house of representatives, the Republicans are the majority with 220 members vs 213 as Democrats. They still don’t have the majority there.

        And if you look at the supreme court, Trump packed it with Republican judges.

        So what are your expectations towards the Democrats??? If people don’t elect them, they can’t do anything.

        The president can’t step in and cancel any of these anti abortion laws because it’s the will of the people. (In a way)

        That’s what happens when people are apathetic and don’t go out to vote.

        • what you say is entirely consistent. it’s a strong belief in democracy as a process with no bounds/constraints, as an ultimate good in and of itself. and it’s sort of my point: in the “civil war” frame, Democrats are super unlikely to instigate violence. your neighbors will vote away all the things you value, out of religious beliefs you disagree with or merely out of spite, but that’s okay, so long as they do so democratically.

          i meet enough democrats (little d) who say they wouldn’t comply with a draft, even if enacted democratically. my thoughts are that there’s at least a few things similar to that: decisions where your own interests shouldn’t be subservient to the will of an abstract majority. the surprise with abortion for me is that for my whole life, that was de-facto such an example. it wasn’t treated as a thing that had been decided democratically, just as a thing which was. then some people far away said “abortion should be decided democratically”, and the number of people around me saying “actually no it shouldn’t” was way smaller (i.e. zero) than the number of people who say that about things like the draft. i still don’t know how to square that, but to answer your “what were your expectations towards the Democrats here” question, well, you asking that is the answer to why i think “civil war” talk is so beyond the pale.

  • Probably, at some point. Wealth disparity is wrecking a huge swathe of the population’s way of life. They’re restless and want change.

    Politically, divisiveness is continually reaching new heights. Politicians, republicans for the most part, are more reactionary and less productive. They are now fueling the fear and anger of their constituents and it won’t end well.

  • So long as we have mass precarity this is going to continue to be a risk. And we’re going to have to deal with renegade MAGAs and Project 2025.

    After 2016, I don’t trust the people of the US not to vote in fashy autocrats.

    • My friend of Jewish descent recently listened to some audio recordings of his grandparents before they fled Germany.

      They basically describe similar situations and feeling quite similarly to how he feels today. His wife doesn’t like him talking about it, but he’s sincere: he feels the need to flee.

      I don’t blame him one bit.

      EDIT: To be clear, his desire to flee has very little to do with his Jewish lineage and more to do with how scary and dangerous the Trump cult is. Him being of Jewish descent is just like a cherry on top for MAGAs who want to abuse others. A bonus.

  • We can’t be certan that that’ll happen, but no matter if it does, or where you live, shit’s gonna get wild sooner or later. Global warming is getting worse and worse as I’m typing this, wars and straight up genocides are happening everywhere, and fascism is on the rise. Stay safe, for in the case we as a species survive this shitstorm, future generations will rise again. If we don’t, then good night everyone.

    • 🤔 Do you have any family or friends abroad or by the Canadian border? Can you get to the Canadian border in late October? There’s a bus that’ll take you over the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit, and all you need is a passport book or card and a good excuse. Just tell them you’re going to gamble at the casinos there.

      There’s a thousand mile expanse of woods and bullshit across the northern states where you could just walk through the forests into Canada.

      Or you could drive into Mexico if you know anybody there, such as that is.

      Cruise to the Bahamas, perhaps…?

  • After, no doubt, but how soon? Whoever has control of the major bulk of the military writes the next version of the US though because as much as Cleatus & Co want to think otherwise their stash of AR15s isn’t going to to a damn thing if a tank is rolling up the street.

    • 🤔🤔🤔

      I think it depends a lot on who wins the election.

      I believe there might not actually be a winner. The race could be so close both sides will dispute it, and turn to violence because they feel the election was stolen from them.

      We see signs of this now – younger voters are turning away from Biden because of Palestine, and Trump is leading in several key swing states but only by an ass-hair.

      So I cast doubt on the people who think this’ll be one-sided against Trump supporters. Also they themselves have tanks, it’s legal to own them. But people conveniently forget that.