• AirBNb, uber, lyft are all designed to circumvent existing laws by setting up parallel systems. The companies set themselves up to be the gatekeepers, instead of existing regulatory systems. The enshittification is predictable.
    The hardest thing in governance is:
    Comprehensively reform a system in place while using it…

  • My entire family has switched back to hotels with no regrets. We’ve all separately had bad experiences with Airbnb and realized hotels would never get away with that shit.

    Also, unmentioned in the article is the topic of how Airbnb has contributed to the destruction of the single family home ownership market.

  •  Auzy   ( @Auzy@beehaw.org ) 
    6 months ago

    Last time I booked an AirBNB, I started driving 1hr up their way, then got a phone call from them saying they never approved it, and its not available, and I had to rebook. Then they changed their mind 30mins after, after I found somewhere else, and were reluctant about giving a refund

    Another one we booked for NYE, the bin outside was full and overflowing… Clearly the owners were on holidays and couldn’t be arsed getting someone to clean the bins… Had to bring the BBQ trash and stuff back. Also, we bought ice cream, but the freezer in the room was full of ice, so it was mostly wasted. We had to pour it down the drain

    I hate hotels, and I hate the fact people like trump own a lot of them. But they are MUCH better than all the sketchy AirBNB’s which were ruined by wankers buying up real estate trying to make a quick buck.

  • I have only had two AirBnB experiences in the past years (one of which was just a week ago). Maybe it’s just different in Germany or I got lucky, but our AirBnB hosts were always available (and actual locals instead of unknown house moguls) for questions, offered very decent apartments (especially for the price) and were at most half as expensive as the cheapest hotel in the same area (not even gonna mention the fact that getting a hotel with two dogs is hard to impossible anyway).

    Yes, there was the sudden cleaning fee of 20€ and the stupid AirBnB fee but it only bumped it up from around 60€ per night to around 80€.