Greetings, Android aficionados! 📱👋

Today, let’s take a moment to get to know each other better. We’d love to know:

  • Which Android devices are you currently using?
  • What do you love most about them?
  • What do you dislike?

Whether you’re rocking the latest flagship or cherishing a reliable budget device, we want to hear about your experiences. Share the brand, model, and any standout features that make your phone shine. Who knows, you might inspire someone to discover their next Android companion! 🌟💬

Remember, let’s keep the conversation friendly and inclusive. Everyone’s perspective is valuable, no matter the device they use. We’re here to celebrate the diversity within the Android ecosystem and learn from each other.

  • Fairphone 3

    Likes: The community, closest modern analog to the Galaxy S5 (my previous device), ability to open, configuring fast charge/PD speed, good custom ROM support, can be flashed with full Linux (PostmarketOS)

    Dislikes: Android OS in general. The newer versions have removed so much capabilities that used to be present. I’ve got some features and feeling of ownership back by rooting, but it’s honestly a sad sign of things to come IMO. Stuff is being watered down, removed or restricted to appeal to the masses.

  • What Android devices are you currently using? Pixel 6 w/ GrapheneOS

    What do you love most about them? That I got it used on a dirt-cheap price, supports GrapheneOS, has really great cameras and I like the unique of it

    What do you dislike? It’s made by Google and compared to other phones, the Pixel 6 has a sorta meh battery life. Also GrapheneOS isn’t really featureful (it’s understandable tho), for example it doesn’t provide ultra energy saving mode and the feature which shows in a nice graph how many hours you wasted on certain apps.

  • Galaxy note 9. It’s the peak smartphone, no holepunch nonsense, every useful feature, still plenty fast. The only drawbacks are that the battery is starting to wear out, which is fixable with a bit of fuss, and the screen has a little bit of keyboard burn in, only visible on all black screens.

  •  XLRV   ( ) 
    61 year ago

    OnePlus 9pro

    Like: it is fast, clean, it has a Silent/Vibrate/Ring switch, good screen.

    Dislike: no headphone jack, the Snapdragon 888 isn’t efficient, it heats quickly and it isn’t good for the battery life.

  •  Havoc   ( ) 
    61 year ago

    Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. It’s fast, reliable, has amazing battery life and IMHO it’s handsome as hell.

    The last phone I had was a Pixel 3A which was amazing for what it was, so I got myself a Pixel 7a to see if it was comparable.

    I love the fun software on the Pixel 7A, it is great as a work phone [the Google assistant interfaces with phone calls in ways that are mind-blowing] but I mostly find myself on the S22U.

    Zero complaints on either, but if I had to choose just one, I’d stick to the S22U if I could afford it.

  •  Cyncit   ( ) 
    61 year ago

    PH-1 by Essential. I really like the minimalistic aesthetic of the phone. When I bought it, it satified all my needs. Good performance, enough memory for me, not too pricey, it’s small and fit in my pockets. It has crappy speakers but I didn’t care. An ok camera with good performance in black and white pictures. Even today I really love it except for these big points and why I will change it really soon: The company doesn’t exist anymore and the phone doesn’t have updates since some years now. I Could run a different OS but I don’t want to dabble in that yet. I changed the battery not so long ago but even new, it has a really small capacity. I wish to keep it until really broken despite of that (and bescause i’m a bit lazy) I like to keep my things during a really long time…

  •  money_loo   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Guess I’m the only one with a Sony Xperia phone.

    Got a 1 iii, love the display and candy bar shape, tiny bezels and headphone jack with expandable storage.

    Dislike the limited brightness range outdoors on sunny days, and how the battery dies after four hours of heavy use, lol. (Though I do multitask it hard, so it’s understandable)

    •  golli   ( ) 
      31 year ago

      I would actually love a Sony, since Hardware and feature wise they seem great. Good form factor, SD card and headphone jack.

      But the high price and especially the short software support just turn me off.

  • Currently rocking a Samsung Galaxy A53 5G. Bought this to replace my old shattered Xiaomi Redmi Note 8.

    I’ve been using Android phones since a long time. Started out with a Galaxy Y, loved those small phones with TouchWiz 3!

    My most favorite phones I’ve owned over the years have to be my most beloved Xiaomi Mi A1 (probably the best clean stock Android experience I’ve had), the Pixel 3a, Sony Xperia M, and the Moto G2 2014 (again, with the cleanest Marshmallow experience).

    My A53 is good, mainly got it because I’ve kind of gotten old tired of experimenting with new ROMs lol. I don’t plan on upgrading for 4 more years…this phone does everything I need it to, and it’s decent enough to last it’s promised update life cycle.

  • Device: Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G

    Loves: The inner screen, the comfort of holding it folded-up one-handed, and having a tablet anytime, anywhere.

    Dislikes: wish it was waterproof like later models, price is high, no aftermarket roms, built-in Samsung apps are blah

  • loving my Poco F3 but I recently had to bend the knee to google services and get rid of my lineage OS and install

    Most of the apps I use are open source but I still have the need to use banking apps (Gcash especially) that will just not work even with root and microg (the gcash app is bugged itself already).

  •  charchuck   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Which Android devices are you currently using?

    Pixel 5A

    What do you love most about them?

    Great performance, battery life, and camera for the price. No complaints about my current device.

    What do you dislike?

    The first one black-screened on me, so this is my second one.

    Would also like SD card support, though Jellyfin + Symfonium is a great alternative.

  •  yads   ( ) 
    51 year ago

    Pixel 6. Best phone I’ve owned. Takes great photos, is fast. Looks good. Very happy with it. Worst thing is I guess the fingerprint scanner, but honestly it’s such a minor gripe.