Globally, only one in 50 new cars were fully electric in 2020, and one in 14 in the UK. Sounds impressive, but even if all new cars were electric now, it would still take 15-20 years to replace the world’s fossil fuel car fleet.

The emission savings from replacing all those internal combustion engines with zero-carbon alternatives will not feed in fast enough to make the necessary difference in the time we can spare: the next five years. Tackling the climate and air pollution crises requires curbing all motorised transport, particularly private cars, as quickly as possible. Focusing solely on electric vehicles is slowing down the race to zero emissions.

  •  jaschen   ( ) 
    226 months ago

    Cycling is not the solution. It’s infrastructure.

    I would love a walkable city. But I can’t afford housing close to the city. The bus or train system isn’t strong enough or convenient enough. Our country are set up for cars. Housing prices are set up for people to drive further to live.

    Have affordable housing near the places I work and I won’t need to drive. Stop blaming people for living their lives around a broken infrastructure. Stop cramming bicycles down our throats. We are not the problem.

      • “we” is used very liberally here. I had no say in the planning, implementation, or even the allocation of funds for the current infrastructure. In fact, most of it has existed since before I was born.

        • most of it has existed since before I was born.

          I’m sure a lot of things existed before you were born.

          There were also a lot of things that didn’t exist before you were born.

          Change da world, my final message. Good bye.

      • I’m sick of people blaming the people. I’m sick of people trying to shove bicycles down our throats like THAT will fix the issue.

        My comment was in response to the blaming of the people and pushing cycling as the solution. This article should be, how do we influence better zoming laws. How we do improve the city infrastructure.

        We do vote. Every election cycle. We do what we can with our few voices.

        The sooner we stop upvoting these shit articles the sooner we can fix the actual issue.

          • I mean, with that logic, if 1/2 of the world population didn’t eat and just died, that would also fix the problem too. But that isn’t going to happen so your statement is as dumb as mine.

            • Put a ban in place for 2030 or 2035 and it will be fixed

              If you don’t do that then everything will be designed with the existence of cars in mind

              Even today they are building new roads, you go to a sub division and there are roads in front of every house

              • So people like me who can’t afford a job near my work have to ride a bicycle for 40 miles one-way for my work because someone in the past made home zoning impossible to scale the population growth.

                Please tell me why I have to suffer and those fuckers who is camping in those expensive unattainable homes get to enjoy their home values?

                Why do you want people like me to suffer more than I already do by having to drive 80 miles a day?

  • This is a very simplistic solution to a really complicated question. I say this as a cyclist myself.

    Cycling is great for short commuter trips. But it doesn’t replace long trips at all, not practically anyway.

    Cycling, while great for your health, consumes extra calories that you wouldn’t otherwise have to expend. That extra food has its own carbon footprint. Depending on your diet and where it comes from, that extra carbon footprint can actually be quite significant.

    Cycling reduces congestion. No argument there.

    Even if you cycle, you are probably cycling to local stores that have their merchandise driven in on big trucks. It’s still probably more efficient this way, but far from net zero. Remember that the environment you live in is still mostly powered by gas guzzling equipment. That equipment will need to be electrified.

    And that’s my point. Cycling is not a one size fits all solution. It is one piece of a much bigger puzzle.

    •  Wanderer   ( ) 
      6 months ago

      Trains cycling and walking can do by far a huge amount of transport needs. Just look at Japan.

      No one is saying it will fix 100% of all issues, they are just saying its such a huge part of it even if you took half the funding of cars and put it to bikes it would solve so so much.

    • Cycling is great for short commuter trips. But it doesn’t replace long trips at all, not practically anyway.

      Depends on what “long trip” means. 20km? 50km? 500km?

      Sure, a bike isn’t ideal for “long trips”, but it’s easily integrated into other forms of public transportation, which is also better for society than having more EVs.

      • Sure, a bike isn’t ideal for “long trips”, but it’s easily integrated into other forms of public transportation, which is also better for society than having more EVs.

        You nailed it. I’m mostly WFH, but twice a week, I have to go into the office which is ~110km away. Fortunately, there’s a train between the two cities and the station is 750m from the office, so it’s a nice 10min walk. My home, on the other hand, is 3.5km from the station and that walk takes 45min even if I’m booking it. On a bike, it’s a reasonable 12min ride.

    • Honestly this, 100%.

      My bike can easily get me to & around the nearby city, no problem at all. Bulky shopping? Not an issue, I have pannier bags.

      Long distance trips though? Absolutely no chance. They require some planning and pre booking bike spaces on the long distance train, mainly because our public transport has been turning into a mess. It’s been on a steady decline with prices on the increase, and its not really an attractive option anymore.

      I won’t be giving up my bicycle, but I have eaten the forbidden fruit and started learning how to drive, since it’s the only alternative to bridge the ~200mi journey between here and the people I care about. I dislike it a lot, and it’s actually quite stressful being behind the wheel, compared to just relaxing on a bus or train. Even riding on my bicycle is much less stressful.

  • … even if you swap the car for a bike for just one trip a day.

    That’s the real takeaway that I hope everyone can acknowledge.

    Outside of long distance (50km+ each way) commuting, the majority of single-occupancy car trips tends to be super short distances (something like <5km).

    Replacing those short trips can be fun, easy, quick, and could have a massive positive impact on society. We just need more people doing it. 👍

    • Totally agree with you! We’ve got the small digital sing posts in high cycle commuting areas that show a count of how many people have cycled passed that within a given time, I love riding past it and seeing the number go further up

  • Yeah, I’ll just haul my kids around on an electric bike when it’s 20 degrees F (-7 C) with a windchill around 0 (-18 C), which also coincides with EVs getting absolute shit range because current batteries hate holding charges at that temperature. Also, I drive a 20 year old vehicle with 190,000 miles that I paid $3000 for 6 years ago or so. EVs and even E-bikes cost a whole lot more than that without the utility.

    On top of that, calling vehicles that contain lithium batteries “zero-carbon” is laughable. The mining, refining, and manufacturing process in itself is an environmental disaster. I agree we need to find new modes of transportation powered by methods other than burning coal, natural gas, and dinosaur juice, but we don’t currently have the solution to this problem.

    • EVs getting absolute shit range because current batteries hate holding charges at that temperature

      That’s blatantly false and shows just how little you know. The reduced range is due to the heating (both cabin and battery) performed. You don’t even need to heat the battery, but it will perform better when warmer.

      There is no significant waste heat on EVs like the ~70% there is on ICEs, so the energy for heating cannot be passively recovered but has to be actively spent. If you disabled all heating (which is obviously not feasible), the reduction in range would be significantly less.

      • The reduced range is due to the heating (both cabin and battery) performed.

        Right, so they still get reduced range in the cold. I now understand the “why” part of it.

        You don’t even need to heat the battery, but it will perform better when warmer.

        Except that in extreme cold like the region gets where I live, apparently you do actually need to warm up the battery if you want it to take a charge.

        As for Tesla, that’s a non-starter for me. Even setting aside my feelings about their CEO, the build quality isn’t something I’d accept anyways even if there was an option that was viable in my case.

        The bottom line is that the cost of entry, lack of an option that comfortably carries 5 people and a large dog, and the lack of charging infrastructure (in my area at least) are barriers that most people don’t want to, or can’t deal with.

        I do agree that we need an option to phase out ICE vehicles, but we’re just not there yet for a whole lot of people.

        • Yes for fast charging (>50kW) the battery needs to be warm so it doesn’t get damaged, this goes for all EVs and isn’t Tesla-specific.

          But yeah EV range is an issue for some, although not the vast majority. For most people, these issues are theoretical because they so rarely actually use their car in a way that they would encounter them. In reality it’s only an inconvenience they might encounter a few times per year, if at all. Most driving by far is done well within winter range of any EV on the market, if you have the ability to either charge at home or at work with “slow” AC charging.

    • Manufacturing electric cars generates a bit more emissions than internal combustion cars, at least now while the technology is relatively young. Last time I read about it, an internal combustion car would catch up and pass the electric equivalent in emissions in a couple of years of normal use.