This is absolutely fantastic
My stuff:
#StarTrek - Voyager is my favorite, Discovery is a very close second
#Books - Sci/fi and fantasty mostly, but I’m up for a good recommendation of any genre
#OpenStreetMap - A free and open map created by volunteers
This is absolutely fantastic
I walk as much as possible in Texas, but I would never ride a bike. Seeing how drivers are everywhere I have lived here beat that notion out of me.
“The place to watch Star Trek” didn’t last very long.
I have been experiencing this off and on for days at this point. It never lasts for too long, but is mildly annoying.
I’ve had it suggested but haven’t tried it. Are you talking about color polish, or what people have tried suggesting to me, polish that tastes awful?
I’ve been attempting to stop biting my nails for decades at this point.
This is pretty nifty and sounds like it will be a great resource. Thank you (the plural you) for all of your hard work on the site.
I may have exaggerated a bit. We use both HP and Konica Minolta printers at work. Our HP printers are excellent compared to KM.
I haven’t used a printer at home since I was a kid. I bet the situation is different for printers that aren’t going 365 days a year.
I will say that I do not like HP’s ink “DRM” shenanigans.
This just makes me sad for you.
I have never thought about the Lord of the Rings in that light before. Thank you for this.
I contribute to OSM a lot and thankfully I haven’t ran into vandalism yet. I’ve always been kind of surprised it isn’t way more common. I guess maybe it is, just not around me.
It is nice to see stories like this and not more doom and gloom. I sure could have used those windows during the Texas freeze myself!
Now I feel kind of silly… I was wondering why the stars on the art behind him did that. That connection was lost on me. Haha
I’m going to wait for someone more knowledgeable on this subject to come by and correct me, but this seems pretty cool to me.
We are on rewatch 3 so far. It is one of those shows that doesn’t get old no matter how many times you watch it.
🎶What’s this you’re dreaming of?🎶
I have a particular interest in the heat-island effect so this kind of stuff is always on my radar. This one specifically however I stumbled upon by chance.
As for your friend, I don’t know if it is only a change once I got older, but you will almost never be able to change your friend’s mind. I’ve had conversations along those lines with libertarians many times and there is a distinct lack of logic when discussing government. It’s not worth your time. I may be a bit exhausted by politics after the last eight years.
I would like to see more, but, at least in the US, they are getting started on doing this.
I live in Texas and there are so many small towns that seemed to have forgotten trees exist outside of the trees planted in a private yard. I have only lived in Dallas as far as bigger cities go, but the trees are mostly located in the richer/older neighborhoods. Trees planted next to the curb and cared for by the city are almost non-existent.
Thank you for this. That is nice to hear. I miss living in California so much. It was nice being in a state that at least pretends to care about its workers.
I haven’t watched the other Short Treks in a while, but isn’t this super close to one of the old ones? I enjoyed it either way.