• Holy crap, what a garbage ragebait article

    Saving you a click: there’s no new info here, it’s just the same hullabaloo over the guy who made the accusations rescaling the models so they’re the same size, and the author treating it as proof they faked it all

    Which, I don’t personally have a strong opinion on whether it’s faked (especially since it’s been pointed out that models made using different programs and for different platforms can import in drastically different sizes) but it feels kind of disingenuous to say that it’s faked just because of that, y’know? It’s like if an artist takes a 1440p resolution image, traces over it, and posts the traced image in 720p resolution. I wouldn’t consider blowing up the traced 720p to 1440p as “faking” it or altering the traced image.

  •  Pietson   ( @Pietson@kbin.social ) 
    5 months ago

    Then we have artists from other gaming studios that are jumping into the Palworld controversy bandwagon. Shouldn’t these artists focus on their games? Or how about this? You are a 3D artist so you most likely have the appropriate tools installed on your PC. Export a 3D model from Palworld and do some investigation. It should be easy for you.

    What a dumb take. Leaving the whole palworld debacle aside, is this person seriously saying that game artists shouldn’t ever do anything that’s not directly related to their game? Are they going to tell Gordon Ramsey to stop making TV programs to focus on cooking? People aren’t defined by their job.

    Saying artists would already have the tools installed is also kinda dumb. Just because they can open and edit files doesn’t mean they would have tools and knowledge to rip them from the game.

    Earlier in the article they’re blaming the media for not properly investigating these claims, something I can somewhat get behind, but why is this now also being extended to game artists? Should everyone fact check every single claim they see on the internet?

  • ok, im gonna lock this thread, ive gotten more reports on this one post than everything else since i became a mod.

    My personal feeling on this post are irrelevant, but enough is enough. If ya’ll cant have civil discourse, ima lock that shit down. This isnt reddit, lets be better, ok?

  •  Skates   ( @Skates@feddit.nl ) 
    5 months ago

    I will literally play anything OTHER thank Pokemon. Nintendo is a shit company, everything I’ve read about them has painted them as incredibly litigious - and that would be almost ok, but it seems to always be at the expense of their own fans. Someone organizing a tournament for some shitty Nintendo game? They need Nintendo permission or they’re getting shutdown. Seriously? This is how you treat people who used their money to purchase your crap? Get fucked.

    That being said - I’ve never gotten into the Pokemon craze. It just seemed like a dumb cartoon, boring games, money-grabbing cards etc. I remember trying Pokemon Go when it first appeared, getting hype about it for 1-2 days, then abandoning it cause there was nothing to do. Nothing interesting. Nothing fun. So imagine my fucking surprise when I found a dozen monster collector type games out there that are actually fun. I had always thought I didn’t like the genre. Turns out, I just don’t like shit games and/or the lack of nostalgia towards Pokemon prevented me from wearing rose-tinted glasses when looking at their shit-colored IP.

    I hope Palworld makes it big enough to buy Nintendo and turn it into what it was born to be: a game development company focused exclusively on creating games based on the Palworld franchise. Fuck 'em.