• I mean the trouble is most religions have been used to spread peace and war. The problem is not religion, it’s just the tool. The ruling class will pick up another tool of propoganda to convince the oppressed to act outside their best interests. Feeling smug about being unreligous leaves you vulnerable to alternative methods.

    Racism, sexism, nationalism, homophobia, and ageism all serve to divide us whether on a religious or “scientific” basis. No matter the justification we must examine what the end goal of all methods of social control is.

  • Imagine a nascent nomadic cult of a fictional kingdom called Canaan, grown and composed of the downtrodden of its society, that when the kingdom begins to encounter problems beyond its control because it does not know how to or cannot treat them, like plagues and disease, the cult begins blaming the rest of society for not worshiping their god, El, enough nor in the right way by their real name, and begin eulogizing killing the rest of society off in extremely violent ways after they manage to survive the plague and disease due to their seclusion.

    Imagine then how no one would ever want to admit to being a Canaan because of the risk of getting persecuted when the cult begins to conquer territory, and imagine this happening to such an extent that even the members of the cult, now a full-fledged religion due to its conquests and expansion, denies any relation to said society, making up a story instead about coming from some far off kingdom like Egypt that most people in the region would know of but would not really know the specifics about. It would sound similar enough to already preexisting mythos.

    Imagine if this sort of attitude didn’t just persist into the “modern” world, but involved offsprings of that very same cult holding power and influence in governments throughout the world. It would be a testament to a cultural unwillingness to overcome its own collective ego and overextended fictional narratives to recognize its flawed conception.

  • To my understanding at least one religion promotes peace through unified belief (more or less) where the only way the religion is peaceful and loving is if you’re a part of the religion. If you believe something different, you’re a heretic and must die, for peace.

    IDK, killing people in the name of peace seems counterintuitive. There are times that you need to kill warmongers to promote peace, but killing them for peace because their sky friend is different than your sky friend seems like it’s a bad philosophy.

    I’ve been aware of this for a while and I have yet to be told I’m wrong, or have anyone provide evidence that I don’t understand what it says. I have, however had people verify the concept to me several times. I’m always on edge around people of that religion because if they’re being told that people from other religions, and people who won’t accept their sky friend as the one true sky friend, should be killed. I’m almost never sure if they’re going to try to kill someone to progress their religion by removing heretics. I just can’t relax while people from that religion are present because of this. Unless I know them pretty well and know that they reject that philosophy.

    Due to this, I’m kind of opposed to “religion is fine as long as it’s believers are peaceful” and I’m more in favor of the concept that all religions should be disbanded as a relic of an era where we couldn’t comprehend a lot of things that science has since explained away.

    I don’t subscribe to any religion because they can’t all be correct, if any are, and because there’s no differentiating information that lends any scientific validity to any one religion, and in the absence of a “God” giving some kind of indicator as to which one is correct, I’m forced to assume that with the plethora of conflicting ideologies, that none of them are correct. I have to believe that if there is a God who wants you to believe and obey one specific set of beliefs, that (s)he would make some kind of effort to clarify which one is correct; this leads me to think that either God doesn’t exist, or doesn’t care. Given that, I just try not to be a “bad person” and live a moral life, and if I die and find out there is a God, and (s)he wants humanity to believe a certain set of gospel, then I’ll have some not so nice words to say to them. Until then, as long as no further information is available about what “God” may actually want us to do, I’ll continue down this path indefinitely, and trying to be nice to my fellow man whenever possible, not because they deserve it, but simply because I want to be treated nicely as a person and not promote the suffering that is already far too common in humanity.