• “I think we should protect the rights of parents to make their own decisions with regards to their children.” [-PP]

    Asked to state definitively if he’s opposed to puberty blockers for people under the age of 18, Poilievre said he is.

    So, in other words, he’s only for ‘parental rights’ (/s) when they’re useful for suppressing trans rights

  • Poilievre called trans health care “a divisive wedge” that’s being used by the Liberal government to “distract…”

    Classic Poilievre, disagree with him on the state banning life saving medical care and you’re the one being divisive and causing distractions.

    I’m honestly sick of people like Pierre calling everything that isn’t about dollars a distraction, there is more to life than money, like human rights and healthcare for example, the things he wants to trample all over.

      • Fucking thank you for saying this. Trans people are out here, just trying to survive and have basic rights. Conservatives have decided to have a full-out snowflake meltdown over this.

        Any transphobes reading this: I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about trans issues in the news. But I can assure you, you’re nowhere near as tired of it as trans people are.

  • “I think we should protect children and their ability to make adult decisions when they’re adults” - PP

    We have children/parents/doctors make all sorts of important adult decisions regarding children all the time, why is this any different. Everything from deciding on whether to amputate after an accident to putting them on amphetamines to treat ADHD is fine, but for some reason gender affirming medication is different?

    Put some checks in to make sure it doesn’t get misused/abused, then leave people alone with their personal choices. -Me

    • Good news is we have those checks and balances already. Since 2009 Canada has recognized the right of minors to obtain or decline health care services on their own or over the objection of their parents. This is the mature minor doctrine and it was settled in the Supreme Court.

      In most jurisdictions, medical professionals and other licensed practitioners determine if the person seeking care can give informed consent or rejection of a procedure (including full understanding of the consequences, sound mind, etc) before performing it. This means doctors and patients determine the course of care and make private medical decisions.

      In Pierre’s world, and Danielle’s world, they know better than doctors and patients and would deny care, which we know for a fact leads to suicidal ideation in trans teens. Pierre doesn’t care about that, he literally doesn’t care if these kids die because they can’t get the care they need as long as he can make a wedge out of it. The fucking nerve of Pierre to call this a distraction.

      • Pierre doesn’t care about that, he literally doesn’t care if these kids die because they can’t get the care they need as long as he can make a wedge out of it.

        I mean, they aren’t going to become CPC voters anyway. It’s to his benefit to let them die.

  • Restricting puberty blockers until after puberty is like taking birth control pills after the baby has been born.

    I mean, do fans of the CPC have any functioning critical thinking? Or are they mostly just hateful nosey pricks who can’t mind their own business?

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Speaking to reporters on Parliament Hill before a Conservative caucus meeting, Poilievre said the decision to pursue transgender treatments should be reserved to adults alone.

    The Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) has said that “gender-affirming medical interventions may be an important component of comprehensive care” for some transgender or gender-diverse adolescents.

    The CPS says hormone therapy produces both reversible and irreversible changes and should only be provided to young people who “demonstrate the capacity to understand and appreciate both the benefits and risks of these medications, given their profound effects.”

    While the national conversation about trans care was prompted by Smith’s policy announcement, Poilievre said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is to blame for whipping up the public and the media.

    Poilievre called trans health care “a divisive wedge” that’s being used by the Liberal government to “distract from doubling housing costs and quadrupling carbon taxes.”

    Employment Minister Randy Boissonnault, a gay man who has become a vocal critic of Smith’s plan, has spoken out about Alberta’s push to demand that some trans kids get parental consent before using their preferred names and pronouns at school.

    The original article contains 546 words, the summary contains 182 words. Saved 67%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!