We all watch a fairly wide range of wrestling, so across all your favourite/usual promotions:

Who is that one wrestler above all others that you just can’t get into?

Do you hate their wrestling style? Is their character boring? Do they just not do anything for you? Hate the performer (keep it civil)? Was there some angle that soured you on them? Let us know! (and obviously do feel free to mention multiple people if needed lol).

  • WWE: I think I watched the main roster from around 2015/2016 to 2019. There were a lot of people who seemed settled into their characters, but I had no experience watching them, so they seemed kinda boring to me. Randy Orton was a major “I just don’t get it” wrestler for me. I only knew his name, had never seen him, and he’s showing up, lazily doing a pose on the turnbuckle and looking bored as hell while the crowd cheers? The Bar were the same for me. Never saw how they came together as a team, so they were just there for me. And the love I’d heard for The Revival was also confusing cause I watched during their feud with the Usos.

    AEW: CM Punk. I’d seen the pipe bomb promo, but that was it before he showed up. The excitement he seemed to have, and the excitement of the crowd, was awesome! But he wasn’t quite what I had expected and his promo style wasn’t for me.

    The Young Bucks. They’re actually exactly what I expected from hearing about them. I’ve enjoyed some of their segments (much better as ridiculous heels) and their matches with the Lucha Bros, but boy, a little goes a long way.

    TNA: Steve Maclin. I enjoyed his chase for the belt, but I just don’t feel anything for him.

    Eddie Edwards. I don’t hate him, but he’s just there. My enjoyment of the ROH stable in Impact tanked when he was named the leader.

    • I never could get into Brock. He was just Goldberg 2.0 to me, and the Goldberg act got old on me real fast.

      Granted at the time I was burned out on the WWE and would soon quit watching not long after Brock got pushed.

    • TNA: Steve Maclin. I enjoyed his chase for the belt, but I just don’t feel anything for him.

      Eddie Edwards. I don’t hate him, but he’s just there. My enjoyment of the ROH stable in Impact tanked when he was named the leader.

      Ditto and ditto.

  • Kaya Toribami of TJPW: She’s just so… meh. Make Serpentico extremely boring and switch his gender, and you have Kaya. Masked wrestlers have to work harder to show emotion than unmasked wrestlers do. But Kaya doesn’t even try to do that. She needs a character rework something fierce. Especially in a promotion that already has Hyper Misao.

  • I will ask you to please put away the pitchforks, but I don’t care for Kenny Omega. I can enjoy his matches but I don’t think he’s the bee’s knees let alone the greatest ever.

    If we are doing somebody in another company… I’m going to call out L.A. Knight, just like Kenny I can enjoy what he does, but most of the time I don’t see how he’s so over… Yeah!

    Again, I can enjoy these people’s work, but I don’t get why they are in the positions they are because I don’t see them as that great. Assuming we are talking just their characters and such. If we are talking don’t like them at all not even a little bit, the first name that came to mind… Darby Allin. He is the one I don’t like at all and his being tied to Sting’s retirement really sucks for me. And if you wrestlers are vanity searching your names, sorry, I just don’t buy the hype in you.

  • I’ll load up on a few now that I’ve had a mediocre sleep:

    Punk: Overvalued. When he was in his prime he was hot shit. Now post-prime, he’s smoldering shit but we’re supposed to think he’s the BeSt In ThE WoRlD lol.

    Anthony Ogogo I just cannot give a fuck about. I care more about my bowl of popcorn than I do about Anthony Ogogo and I just don’t get it.

    FTR is my current AEW piss break. I liked em as the Revival. I liked em when they showed up in AEW and started off. Then Dax decided to do the whole ‘piss people off with my podcast comments and then 24-72h later play it off like I didn’t say stupid crap’ bullshit and Cash is just dumber than a tit under an cruise ship.

    Deaner/Maclin/Edwards in TNA. Zero interest, none of em do anything for me.

    Nanae Takahashi. The second I see any wrestler in Stardom booked in a singles match with Nanane ‘That don’t work for me, sister’ Takahashi I know the next 11 mins are best spent making a sandwich and packing a bowl.

    And if I can be allowed an honourable mention for a promotion as a whole: Sukeban, just fuck off lol.

  • John Cena killed my interest in wrestling. It had less to do with him and more the way they booked him. I had no interest in watching him at the top of the card for years so I stopped watching entirely.

    I have respect for him now but he was a big reason why I’m a lapsed fan instead of an, uh, unlapsed fan…lol.