Years in the making, the federal government is poised to introduce a new piece of legislation on Monday aimed at addressing a series of online harms.

  • five kinds of harmful content: hate speech, terrorist content, incitement to violence, the sharing of non-consensual images, and child exploitation

    Sounds good on the surface but I’m sure there will be massive oversteps and oversights.

    • That wouldn’t make sense, but even if that was not a joke, it would be out of scope. The legislation is likely to focus on requiring platforms to moderate content more strongly; plus maybe penalties for cyberbullying, deepfakes and such.

      Being insensitive online is unlikely to ever become a crime, let alone something that can prosecuted retroactively.

      • There’s a law, possibly international/UN or something, against making laws that retroactively criminalize stuff, so you’re right, on that point.

        Pretending that such things won’t ever become a crime, however, when the US is at the point of criminalizing

        • miscarriage
        • some brain-wirings/genders
        • violating christofascist supremacism
        • not being a Trump-cult member

        as the next few years will demonstrate,

        is naive/incompetent.

        Yes, criminal-law is going to be used to enforce ideological-conforming, throughout much of the West, exactly as China, Israel, Russia, etc, now “use”/abuse law.

        That tipping-point has already been crossed, on this world.

    •  phx   ( ) 
      47 months ago

      If he makes new ones in the future that would be possible if they could be shown to cause harm, but you don’t actually get to retroactively charge somebody for something over a decade ago that wasn’t a crime then.

      Speaking of over a decade ago, maybe you should move on eh?