so anyways my ethics classes are going great im having a fun great awesome cool fun great poggers time

  •  Gork   ( ) 
    207 months ago

    Every ethics book I’ve read has had the Times New Roman typeset. This is clearly unethical as it is ignoring the entire sans-serif typeset family.

  • Torture will not extricate the info Sally has, she’s not culpable. Sally’s father should be held liable for the lives and land lost from the nuke.

    Mother Teresa was a cunt and she should go to the same pit the Hitlerites are going to

    I dunno what the third one is but fuck em

    Therac-25 was a human error

  • Oh noes ethical dilemmas are hard! Can we please not have to think about them anymore?

    The point isn’t to tell you how to think, the point is to make you think. If you’re upset by someone making you think, that’s on you, not on a field of study.

    My favorite dilemma is the one where you have a time machine but you can’t kill Hitler, but you can steal Hitler’s wallet. All the bad things will still happen, all you will accomplish is Hitler will have one bad night. So is it ethical to steal Hitler’s wallet? The ethical answer is no, because there’s no positive benefit to it. But as one ethicist said “Yeah but I’d still do it because it’s Hitler, fuck that guy.”

    You don’t always have to do the ethical thing but it’s useful to know the ethical answer so you understand when you’re doing something with non-ethical motives. Sometimes you’re just doing stuff to make yourself happy and that’s fine.

  • No one besides Sally and her father knows there is a nuclear device planted somewhere because Sally’s father only told Sally and Sally hasn’t told anyone. So no one would have any reason to tell Mother Teresa or Mohandas Gandhi to convince the Hitlerites to torture Sally for the information. Not to mention the button that saves Europe and Africa is not even applicable in this circumstance since Sally would have pressed it herself if the city that was in danger was located in Europe and/or Africa. The scenario inherently prevents us from taking action due to our ignorance derived from the premise and thus lacks an ethical question, normative or otherwise, for us to consider. /s edit: typo

    • The nuclear bomb and Hitlerite examples are from different pages. I was worried the phrasing would imply they were tied together, but the excerpt is elaborating on a different section of text right before it, which is different from the excerpt about Sally and the nuclear bomb. Sorry for any confusion there.

      • Sorry for any confusion there.

        I put /s. My comment was a joke in its entirety. I assume the section about the button that saves Europe and Africa is a different, unrelated section as well. It seemed more fun to respond to the post as if it was one continuous thought experiment. =P

  • Btw fun fact I made this entirely in mspaint. Making the gradient was obnoxious since there’s no actual gradient tool in mspaint (maybe the fancy new woke windows 11 version does but I’m on windows 10 where mspaint doesn’t have “layers” or “text editing” or other fake nonsense). I made this meme in proper mspaint like god intended.

  • my helping you

    okay, this is a personal thing, but i need the source/citation for the 3rd quote. that grammar rule has beeg bugging me for like a month, i need to know where and when this is from, and who wrote this

    •  paris   ( ) OP
      7 months ago

      It reads as grammatically correct to me. As for the citation, I’ll quote what I already wrote in a comment elsewhere:

      These are all from the book Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong (Eighth Edition). It was written by Louis P. Pojman and James Fieser. Cengage is the company selling the textbook.

      That final excerpt is from page 89 under the subheader “The Argument from Counterintuitive Consequences.”

      Anna’s Archive has the pdf if you’re interested in taking a look, but I don’t think I can link to that directly.