• Don’t know. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t sit around mulling over how much I like or dislike different religions. I do think about when the people in those religions do stupid and evil shit, but otherwise I don’t care that much.

  • Speaking strictly for myself, I’ll believe anything you tell me as long as you can support it with the appropriate evidence. If you tell me there’s life after death, I’ll believe you – after you show me how you know it’s actually true. I do not accept arguments from authority, arguments from faith, or any other example of motivated reasoning. You need concrete, repeatable evidence before I take you seriously.

    Not all atheists are skeptics, and not all skeptics are atheists. But they are very complementary positions.

  • It’s only the idea that you have to believe certain things that I hate. It’s one of the most destructive ideas. People that hold to that idea often don’t understand that other religions don’t teach it.

    That being said, there’s a certain amount of Philosophy in practices like Zen, and perhaps long ago there was even a bit of science in it.