So as with all things, I’m watching the episode of Bluey where they dress up as the Queen. It got me wandering.

What happens if you refuse to use the right title when talking to the King, Queen and other prominent Royals?

In my head you’re arrested, imprisoned in the ToL, given a faux-trial and then find your head quickly removed from your body. I’m wrong right?

  •  bstix   ( ) 
    123 months ago

    Not UK, but I remember a cringy clip where a journalist attempted to interview the prince of Denmark (not the current king, his younger brother), and the prince keeps interrupting the journalist by saying “let’s try that again” because the journalist used “you” in singular form.

  • You find that you do, no matter your best intentions because of social pressure (or saurian mind-powers, you decide). My Mum met Andy and Fergie when they visited her school and she swore she wouldn’t curtsy. So the big day comes and the royal duo are working their way down the line of teachers who all curtsied and when they came to my Mum, she crumbled. I think the photographers even captured it on film. She was disgusted with herself and I’d be giving her shit about to this day (especially after the Epstein business) if she hadn’t been inconsiderate and died. If there’s an afterlife I am sure she’s there thinking “he wouldn’t it lie!”