• and we’ve circled back to the missing third place – libraries as community centers, family friendly pubs and bars, coffee shops that don’t require buying half the menu to just hang out, walkable (and bikable) cities where people can go for an evening stroll without being afraid of being run over …

  •  4am   ( @4am@lemm.ee ) 
    586 months ago

    No citizen, third places are not allowed except for church, mother says so. Now back to your depression cave! You need to be at work on time or we’ll confiscate it!

  • In Brussels there is a library that’s “open” as late as 22:00. There’s an after hours program where you register for after hours access, sign an agreement, and your library card can be used to unlock the door. Staff is gone during off hours but cameras are on. Members are not allowed to enter with non-members (can’t let anyone tailgate you incl. your friends).

    • That sounds great. I don’t know, neither have heard of, any such place in your neighbor germany. Sadly so. Even I would visit such a place.

      And how’s it going? No troubles? No asswipes coming in drunk (with their friends) or such? Is it even frequented?

      • I was only there once or twice in off hours. I think I was there once on a Sunday (normally closed all day so only open to after hours members) and once in the evening. It was quiet as I recall but I guess I’ve not made use of it enough to have an idea. It’s not overly busy in the after hours.

        W.r.t. alcohol, the rules forbid eating and drinking in the library, but water is exceptionally allowed. I don’t know if they review the video without cause, but if someone breaks the rules, their after-hours access is terminated.

        • Funnily, we just discovered that one of our city-libs iss actually doing the exact same thing now too. As an experiment. And it seems they don’t have to deal with it. Quote: “i guess the library-folk is just a quiet and peaceful folk”. So, no problems and people love it.

          We parrot you guys ☺️

    • My local library has 24h access for students to a special area designed for the purpose. During the day the same area is accessible to the public. It’s just a nicely laid out area with desks and chairs and a great view of the park.

      It’s unbeatable at 5am with a stiff cup of coffee.

  • If by “engage in public life” they mean being quiet and not interrupting others’ quiet time then sure.

    To me it sounds like people want another public space that isn’t a library. Once libations enter the picture it also feels like it’s not always going to be a safe place.

    • Aren’t libraries becoming that place though?

      Yes there are books at my library but they only consume about 25% of the floor by my guess.

      Another 25% is hosted for weekly groups run by the library. My kids go to “rhyme time” there. They have “device help” sessions for the elderly.

      Another 25% is just tables and chairs, with a great view of the main street. It can be sectioned off so you can book a part of it for a community group gathering. Otherwise it’s people reading, knitting, doing jigsaws, that stuff.

      About 15% is a study area which is accessible to the public during open hours or 24 hours for students. Great view of the park from here.

      The remaining 10% is admin stuff. Every library I’ve been to in West Aus either is, or aspires to be this kind of format. They’re not just about books.

      I kinda wonder how much time other commenter here have spent at their libraries.

      • I do spend my time in libraries, thank you very much :) Didn’t expect there to be gatekeeping on libraries, but here we are.

        And a big part of such activities is either that they’re cordoned off and airgapped (and are done on select timings which are telegraphed way ahead of time) or are themselves quiet. Drinking and socialising to me don’t come under that same category. I’ve been to a library next to a board game shop and been struck by the difference in noise level and distraction there, so if it comes down to what the OP is actually suggesting, I’m skeptical it won’t intrude on others’ needs for a quiet, private place.

        • That’s not gatekeeping. Gatekeeping would be: you guys shouldn’t go to libraries because reasons. Im merely expressing an opinion that few people here seem to know what happens in libraries.

          Case in point:

          […] a quiet, private place.

          This doesn’t really describe a library in 2024. I’m sure there are some libraries in which talking and interacting is still discouraged, but that’s not the norm in my experience.

          • Why I think it’s gatekeeping:

            You’re essentially implying people haven’t been in libraries by your last sentence if they haven’t seen what you’ve seen. That’s gatekeeping, like it or not.

            EDIT: In case it isn’t clear, what you said was essentially:

            “You’re not a library-goer because [reasons].”

            That’s gatekeeping, my person.

            • Nonsense. Lets not co-opt “gatekeeping” to cover any sort of attitude we find distasteful, shall we?

              Looking at a bunch of definitions of gatekeeping the closest I can find is this:

              gatekeeping refers to the actions of individuals or groups who try to define what is and isn’t acceptable within a particular community and determine who is and isn’t allowed to participate.

              My assertion:

              I kinda wonder how much time other commenter here have spent at their libraries.

              You really can’t co-opt that into the definition of gatekeeping.

      • I think libraries vary a lot. Your library sounds lovely. My local ones are half way between what you are describing and the quieter places others are describing. But they are actively trying to be a third place.

        I think your point is “some libraries are third places”. And that point would hit harder if you gave folks grace. Don’t assume they are speaking from ignorance but invite them to check out libraries if they haven’t. I dunno.

  • I agree, and we should remove the books and have low lighting instead, and people that serve drinks, and snacks, and we shouldn’t bother having quiet areas so we can do more socializing. Also there should be music and wait…

  •  pseudo   ( @pseudo@slrpnk.net ) 
    6 months ago

    I don’t understand what is funny here. Many university librairies are open until 9 p.m and there is still people at the closing that would stay later. If every librairie were open until 10 p.m or midnight, you can be sure that some people would make use of it.