• That’s why steam reviews are better with it being from actual people who aren’t scared of being blacklisted from future access. Even with joke reviews it’s still actually more informative. These review outlets call it review bombing, but I call it review awareness with it highlighting and bringing attention to things paid reviewers neglect and ignore.

  • Mixed feelings about that - it sounds like you can still access those features so I don’t think it really affects the base game at all. From what I remember about the first game, you had to be sparing on the waystones to start with, and it required a bit of work to get the item necessary to redo your character - so not much has really changed there. On the other hand, adding these microtransactions in the first place is a stupid idea and the publishers are shooting themselves in the foot by adding them. Should that really change the reviews of the base game though?

    •  nac82   ( @nac82@lemm.ee ) 
      3 months ago

      Having limited access to a resource to then hook you on microtransactions is from mobile game design. It’s literally a freemium mechanic being put into an already upscaled price game.

      It’s one of the most abusive and addictive ways to develop a game, and you want to portray that positively.

      I fucking hate gamers. We’ve been having this conversation since the horse Armor DLC for Oblivion yet here we fucking are.

      • Except having limited access to a resource is from the original game. There’s this lie being sold online that it was an intentional decision for DD2 to try and sell more microtransactions, but limited fast travel is a hallmark of the original Dragon’s Dogma. People are so quick to blind themselves to hatred that they haven’t noticed that Capcom has added completely pointless microtransactions to every one of their games for at least the past 5 years. You can drag them through the coals if you want to over that, and it’s as fair a reason to boycott Capcom games as any, but it’s not a reason to start going after games journalists.

        •  nac82   ( @nac82@lemm.ee ) 
          3 months ago

          Except having limited access to a resource is from the original game.

          The original game that ultimately saw success in its “Dark Arisen” release that had an eternal ferrystone.

          Don’t go trying to redefine history here, I played both copies of the original.

          There’s this lie being sold online that it was an intentional decision for DD2 to try and sell more microtransactions, but limited fast travel is a hallmark of the original Dragon’s Dogma.

          There is no lie in the complaints. Ferrystones are not a limited resource in Dragons Dogma 2. You just have to pay microtransactions for it. You are lying about the game to defend it. To me, this level of denial comes off as coping.

          I want you to admit that ferrystones are not a limited resource in Dark Arisen and same with Dragons dogma 2. And I want you to admit the differences in how they are offered to the player.

          Or go lie to somebody else.

          • If what I read is correct, there is a quest involving a spinx in late game that offers an eternal ferrystone. Now maybe I’ve been lied to, but it sounds pretty reasonable and would track with what was added to Dark Arisen. If you really, desperately, for whatever reason want to skip playing like 80% of the game and spend $30 to fast travel everywhere, I guess you could spend it on ferrystones? Nobody should do that though, it completely breaks the flow and atmosphere of the game, and they are meant to be a limited resource in the early game of both Dragon’s Dogma 1 and 2. You can hate that decision all you want, but don’t try to distort facts to fit your own rage. All the microtransactions are pointless and unnecessary.

            Edit: I looked back through the Sphinx again, killing it grants you an eternal wakestone. So currently no way to get infinite fast travel, but yes to infinite lives.

            •  nac82   ( @nac82@lemm.ee ) 
              3 months ago

              Sounds like you want to change topics from your whole lies bit for some reason? Weird. Changing your defense from it being lies and a limited resource while not admitting the predatory nature of this game design. I dont care to argue your new bad faith points as you did not take the last stance fairly. I can’t stand predatory microtransactions. The arrogance of people who don’t care about it invading the game just allow further shit like this to fester.

              I guess if we’re changing topics, we can focus on the predatory character customization microtransaction. They locked any new saves or character creation to limit people to a microtransaction. That’s pretty fucked up too.

              Or we can go into Capcoms’ recent attempts to take down mods from their old games. https://readwrite.com/capcom-backtracks-quickly-and-removes-drm-after-players-rebel/

              There are plenty of problematic things to hit on here.

              Have you tried to turn a circle in the main city on low settings?

              •  feebl   ( @feebl@feddit.nl ) 
                3 months ago

                Doesn’t like that topic is being changed -> changes topic.

                Also, you talk about eternal ferrystones, he talks about eternal ferrystones.

                Carefull with the Cheeto-dust there my man.

                Also, can you tell me exactly where the ‘new save or character creation’ microtransaction is? I can’t seem to find it.

                Also, character customisation is easily done by buying an item in game for a negligible amount of gold.

                Your whole reply reeks of misinfo and bad faith acting. You’re spreading misinfo. Woof.

                I get it, you hate MTX, we all do. But there is no point in spreading idiocy.

      • Oh I don’t want to portray it positively. I agree it’s shit. It just seemed to me that it’s possible (personally at least) to play the game and ignore the microtransactions. But no doubt that’s not the case for everyone

  • Which basic features? Almost everything people are complaining about can be obtained in game. I understand the dissatisfaction with the performance issues, but I am failing to understand this current discourse considering that capcom has been doing this in all their previous games.

    •  neo   ( @neo@feddit.de ) 
      143 months ago

      I heard that fast travel is very limited, but that you can buy fast travel items for real world money.

      The problem with that is: the goal of the game makers should be to make the game as enjoyable and fun as possible to sell as many copies as possible.

      However, with such micro transactions your goal now is to add annoying stuff to the a level that maximises your profits. How much you can annoy your customers, depends mainly on the conditioning of your target audience.

      So the more of that stuff is accepted and financially rewarded by customers, the more annoying games will become to increase the “need” to sell you a relieve.

      • I assume this discourse of making the game not enjoyable for the sake of maximizing profits is probably from people that didn’t play the first game and haven’t played the new game yet. I know this is a reality in cash grab games, but really doesn’t seem to be the case here.

        •  neo   ( @neo@feddit.de ) 
          83 months ago

          I see where you’re coming from. There are hard mechanics in many games that are part of what makes the game fun for its players.

          However, when I play Dark Souls, I know a part is difficult, because the developers wanted it this way and did not have alternative motives. But when I can pay for difficulty settings, I never know if I’m being “reasonably” challenged or being milked.

          If you enjoy the given challenges of this game, good for you. I think many of the critics do, too. However, for them (and me) it’s a matter of principle, because we fear that the situation will get worse - ultimately leading to the mobile gaming industry that uses all of humanity’s knowledge of psychology to make people spend more money than they can afford.

          • Your argument is correct, however it doesn’t apply to DD2 since the difficulty of acquiring things that are being sold for real money is exactly the same from the first game. If it wasn’t the case I would agree 100% with you.

            I do think it is weird the fact they are selling these things, it is quite ridiculous. However, If they wanted to make a lot of money, they didn’t think a lot about it considering that the items that increase your carry capacity are wayyy more interesting and tempting that any of the current ones. Lost opportunity I suppose.

      • You can get the fast travel stones in game, same thing with wakestones. I can agree it is very unecessary to have these obtainable with real money but this isn’t news for capcom and you can enjoy the game the same way just by not engaging with the cash shop.

          • Well, they have been doing it for many games including RE and people weren’t reacting the same before, were they? Is just very weird and inconsistent. The game is amazing, people not playing because of something they can just choose not to engage with because they are being misinformed by other people that didn’t even play are just missing out.

            • That’s the issue right there, you keep justifying this behavior. This is a 70 dollar game from a giant corporation, which you have to pay to play, and they expect you to pay more. MTX have no place here. They are not putting them in game because of the goodness of their hearts, they are doing it because of greed. If they didn’t want you to buy them why would they put them in?

              I’m not talking just about this game, this is my opinion about any game. It’s time to put the foot down. They are slowly boiling us like a frog, first with day one dlcs and season passes and now this.

              EDIT: Let’s not forget about performance issues for 70 dollars. The real AAA gaming experience.

              • I see that I need to repeat myself over and over, but here’s another try:

                I agree with you. What I fail to understand is why people don’t react consistently to MTX in games. Did people react the same way with RE and DMC? They didn’t. People are spreading misinformation to have more people complain about the game. People were spreading that it is harder to fast travel because they want you to buy the MTX (it isn’t).

                Game performance has been fine while playing on the PS5. I thought it was going to be much worse considering what people were talking about on release. But yes, the industry is awful and it seems that playing games on release isn’t a good idea these days. I regret a lot not waiting a few months before playing BG3.

                • I’m sorry if I misunderstood your comment. Because the industry adjusted people’s expectations and they got the game anyway. I saw threads just like this about MTX in re4.

                  But it doesn’t matter because we complaining about them are minority, people are gonna buy it anyway, they’re gonna shove more of them in the next game and it’ll break another sales records because nobody cares anymore.

        • This comment getting downvoted is the perfect illustration of how this is just another circle jerk.

          Every single sentence in your comment is just objectively true and not opinion, but nowadays we vote on reality, not opinion it seems.

  •  Raz   ( @Raz@lemm.ee ) 
    93 months ago

    Gran Turismo 7 pulled the same shit. I’m still pissed about that one. Plus the lack of single player content basically means I haven’t even played the game since shortly after launch. The grind without mtx is crazy boring.