Biden administration dramatically softens the sanctions it imposed on the seven Israelis from the Israel Defense Forces and makes it clear that they will be able to use their bank accounts.

Original article in Hebrew

  •  Jaysyn   ( ) 
    6 months ago

    Because Israel will blackmail the USA and expand their genocide even more.

    The American folding comes in the wake of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s threat to collapse the Palestinian economy, as revealed in Israel Hayom

    And now these fascists will use that as a threat to extort the USA at every step. They must be completely cut off from US aid.

  • Just don’t blame the voters with spines when he loses the election.

    Edit: To all the geniuses saying Trump is worse, you are no different than MAGA. Saying you’ll vote for Biden regardless of a fucking genocide means that he’ll get away with anything. If you morons actually cared you would have protested instead of trying to make people vote for a genocidal zionist cuck. Yet here we are.

    Joe Biden isn’t catering to me and my friends

    Apparently not wanting to fund a genocide with my tax dollars is the same as me bitching about gas prices. The funniest part is that these people think that they are so much better than MAGA.

      •  Jaysyn   ( ) 
        6 months ago

        Trump also has a plan to end birthright citizenship & deport Muslims starting on day one of his rule in 2025.

        They already have the list thanks to the census.

        Put on your own oxygen mask before worrying about helping others.

        I’m voting Biden in 2024 strictly so that I can vote at all in 2028.

    • Lol I love this take.

      Normal people:

      Donald Trump getting elected will be bad for labor rights, abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ rights, among a ton of other freedoms. I should do the simple thing and vote for Joe Biden even though I disagree with some of his policies and he hasn’t taken a strong enough stance on others that I support. I understand he has to compromise and can’t tailor his policies exactly to my niche beliefs. Even if I don’t vote, Biden or Trump will be president; I should vote for the one that will at least do some of the things I support.

      The brave freedom fighters on Lemmy with a spine:

      Joe Biden isn’t catering to me and my friends, I’m not voting for that capitalist neo liberal pig Joe Biden. Surely the Democrats will call me next time they nominate a candidate, after all we should be catered too even though we’re an extremely small community.

        • I’m sure your little club is just big enough to get Donald Trump elected, that’s how margins work.

          Unfortunately for you there a magnitudes more voters that would be alienated by your fringe politics, so most elected officials aren’t going to give your ideas priority. To think otherwise is the attitude of a petulant child that wants a happy meal when the rest of the family wants to go to sushi.

          Despite all that I think you’ve convinced me. The best way to stop the genocide in Gaza now, in March of 2024, is to make sure that the Zionist, single state solution, ban on Palestinian immigration candidate gets elected to be our president in from 2025 through 2029. That will definitely teach those damn establishment Democrats to listen to us, and will 100% improve the lives of the people in Gaza and the west bank. I’m sure that Trump is just joking about immigrants tainting the blood of America. He’s surely not serious about project 2025, or enacting a nation wide abortion ban after 6 weeks. We have to get this guy elected in November to stop the genocide today.

    • Typical liberal. “I won’t face the horrors being perpetuated by the guy I’m trying to force you to vote for! You’re the bad person! 😡”

      You’re honestly making the accelerationist vote look appetizing. And you should be terrified of that.

    •  kfc   ( ) 
      116 months ago

      Checking in from the Moscow Central Shitpost Infiltration Unit, where all 12 of us are working overtime to post on and swing the election in favor of Orange Man.

      you fucking moron

  •  protist   ( ) 
    196 months ago

    If I’m reading this correctly, this decision was made because Smotrich threatened to sever all Israeli banking relations with the Palestinian Authority, which since the PA depends on Israeli banks to function, would have ruined the Palestinian government in the West Bank. I don’t like that this is how it’s going down, but definitely see the rationale, and don’t think the Biden Admin is wrong to protect the PA. There’s plenty criticism to heap on the US for their relationship with Israel, but I don’t think this is one of them. The problem here is Smotrich and the Netanyahu government.

  • Tell you what - I’m surprised how many people think Trump of all people is going to somehow handle to both Ukraine and Israel better than Biden…

    For one, Trump is so overtly a Russian asset it isn’t even funny. No enemy of Russia would speak of them the way Trump has both during and after his presidency. Combined with negative comments he has made about Ukraine and the war, he absolutely will cut any and all US assistance to Ukraine - his best effort to hand Ukraine to Russia on a silver platter.

    And you’d be mistaken if you think the Palestinians would fare much better considering in the few public statements he’s made about Gaza show him openly supporting both the actions of Israel and Netanyahu, calling on them to finish it quicker.

    If your reaction to Biden’s weak descalation of Gaza is to allow someone who’s public intentions are even worse to take office, then all I can say is I hope that high-horse was worth it.

    • We’re getting the orange anyway because the Democrats would rather preserve their AIPAC funding than win an election.

      And besides; the Socialist Party is an FBI front organization, the PSL is content to ignore Russia’s war on Ukraine, and even though the Greens have decent politics they’re still being used by everyone as a wedge to split the Democrat vote in favor of Republicans. There’s no way to vote for socialism that isn’t self-defeating.

      •  pingveno   ( ) 
        26 months ago

        If anything, the PSL is a front for Russia, given that Russia has featured them on Russian state media. But I don’t see them as being a threat to the Democrats. A quick look at their Wikipedia page shows that the most percentage votes they ever got in an election was 40%, and that was just 57 votes in a college town.

        It’s a pity the US doesn’t have a parliamentary system. It would make so much more sense to have something like Greens, Socialists, and Democrats forming a coalition.

  • Trump 2024 anyone (edit: I’m not cheering him on, just stating a fact)?

    Edit: I only read the headline then came back and read the article and just… What the actual fuck?

    Did Biden, the president of the most power country in the world, just listen to a threat from their protectorate? What the fuck is going on here? How do people see shit like this and think “oh yes this is fine”?