If y’all could read, I’m sure you’d be pissed as fuck

  • Less genocide is better than more genocide.

    Arguing against less genocide is an activity that increases the ammount of genocide.

    This is not a complicated choice and pretending otherwise makes the situation worse.

    Edit: I’m reposting my full argument, because why not?

    People need to understand that it’s possible to vote against genocide.

    Donald Trump is Genocide at home and abroad.

    Joe Biden is “only” Genocide abroad, and probably less of it.

    Therefore, a vote for Joe Biden is a Vote against genocide.

    No, it doesn’t matter that he’s an active participant in the apparatus that’s creating the genocide, because if he’s in office there’s less genocide. Which is the important part, and pretending otherwise is sophistry. If you abstain from voting, you are increasing the likelihood of more genocide and if you discourage others from voting, you are an active participant in the overall social apparatus that is probabilistically increasing the amount of genocide.

    The utility calculation is dead simple: more votes for Biden in key states makes more genocide less likely, and discouraging people from voting for Biden makes more genocide more likely. Therefore, discouraging people from voting for Biden is a pro-genocide strategy and voting for Biden in battleground states is an anti-genocide strategy. You should vote for Biden unless you live in a solid blue state, and even then it’s not a bad idea.

    • I also agree that it would be better if Biden actually did something to lessen the genocide

      I can’t believe you’re justifying it as “only genocide abroad.” Like wtaf?

      Tell the DNC to take their head out of their ass or you’re getting the fucking orange you dork.

      • Not doing everything possible to prevent something is not the same as actively doing it. It’s still bad, but if you seriously think it would be a good idea to let fascists take over America because Biden isn’t marching troops into Gaza or whatever it is you want him to do, then hopefully there are enough sane people left to make you irrelevant.

          • If you think the US government gives a shit about “millions in bribes” then you have no idea how numbers work.

            I’m not delusional enough to think I’m voting for a leftist. That’s never what Biden was. I’m voting to stop fascism. Socialism isn’t going to win at the ballot box. Elections are how we stop things from getting worse while implementing real solutions. If all you’re doing is whining about presidents then you are a bad leftist.

              • And I’m hoping you grow up and learn how people organize themselves instead of wasting your life feeling morally superior for accomplishing nothing while isolating yourself from all the people you need on your side to change anything.

                •  Hathaway   ( @Hathaway@lemmy.zip ) 
                  6 months ago

                  Just curious, do you live in one of fewer than 10% of districts that’s actually a battleground area? Otherwise, sorry, your vote is meaningless anyway. Gerrymandering guarantees that! Sorry if your feeling of moral superiority fades now.

                  At the end of the day you can’t blame the user for making do with a systemically broken process. For me, someone like 90+% of Americans, my vote actually, provably, does not matter. At all. I would rather be a part of the record setting number of 3rd party voters, signaling to the system, that we know it’s fucked, and we’re not going to play anymore.

                  If my vote mattered, I 1000% agree with you. But it doesn’t, so I don’t.