Musk’s behavior may be contributing to Tesla’s declining sales.

  • I think another issue is that Tesla isn’t seen as an innovator in the EV market or even the automotive industry as a whole anymore. There’s also the production quality issues. Musk doesn’t seem to be spending enough attention on solving even these issues over the years.

    If the Tesla Semi-Trucks fail (and I think that they probably will fail after the initial orders are met) Tesla is going to have a serious problem if Musk remains at the helm and at least the big investors are probably thinking the same thing. It’ll just be another Cybertruck fiasco.

    I suppose it could also be argued that Musk tends to say things that may alienate his demographic while embracing those that are more likely to want to drive rolling coal modded trucks but I think that’s just a smaller piece to the bigger problem. Another piece is probably that people are starting to see that he isn’t some genius.

    The big problem, I think, is that people just don’t trust Tesla and they don’t want to pay a premium for shit quality EVs that have nothing to really write home about versus the competition and Musk just doesn’t seem to be trying to put a lot of energy into solving that.

    • You’re paying Mercedes prices for Lada tier QA.

      And with every brand in Europe and Asia now having quality EV models going the whole spectrum of sizes, Teslas just don’t compete by anything other than its name anymore. And with better long term respected brands being available as EVs and Musk taking Teslas reputation down with him, only die hard Musk simps will still buy Tesla.

      • I’ll soon be in the market for an EV, and I wish what you’re saying we’re true.

        Other brands are more expensive, and their base price can barely compete with a tesla, but their options pricing is ridiculous.

        There’s LOTS of teslas where I live because it’s the best bang for your buck right now as far as EV comes.

        I dislike Musk as much as anyone else around here, but the companies he fronts have met lots of success, I guess because there are lots of very competent people actually running them (i.e. Gwynne Shotwell for SpaceX)

  • I was EV shopping five years ago and I chose not to buy a Tesla because the company was too new, wanted to go with a more established company. Now I wouldn’t buy one because of him. So as far as this individual potential consumer goes, yep.