• I’ll believe it when I see it.

    When the big corpos retaliate with higher prices, it’s just lower income taxes with extra steps.

    Don’t forget to pair taxes on the wealthy with regulations. Make number go up is literally their only goal & they don’t hesitate to step on your grandma to do it.

    •  Kichae   ( @Kichae@lemmy.ca ) 
      53 months ago

      The thing is, aside from necessities, we have a choice in whether we buy from the big corporations. They don’t have a choice in whether they pay the taxes. (Well, they shouldn’t at least. But loopholes do be a thing.)

      We can out of corporate garbage and choose to support smaller, local businesses at any time.

      • aside from necessities, we have a choice in whether we buy from the big corporations

        Do you have a non-corp choice in grocery stores in your area? Do you have a choice in electricity provider, natural gas, water, ISP? Any choice you think you have is a marketing tool, even farmers markets have people re-selling grocery store produce as “locally sourced”.

  • Freeland has already said she would honour the new fiscal guardrails that were announced in the fall, including keeping the federal deficit below $40.1 billion.

    How about not handing 2 Billion over to the Crypto AI bros?

    • Yeah, what is middle-class really now? Even if in a couple you own 100k, it’s not much nowadays especially in Vancouver/Toronto , with houses at 1M…

      100k is the new 50k of before. In Québec, teachers or nurses own 100k+, policemen/firefighters too, half of municipal employees are at 100k+, provincial/federal employees 100k+, etc

      • In 2023 the average household income was 75K and the average home price was 715k. >9x

        In 1999 the average household income was 57K and the average home price was 229k. ~4x

        Even if you make 100K you are still just doing “ok” in Canada because the value of your work has been cut by more than half in the past 20 years.