• Unlike America, the happier members of the g7 are all tax-and-spend countries, where economies of scale and single-buyer purchasing helps us all tremendously.

    But as we talk about foreign influence on our elections, here’s the insidious creeping toxin itself. Fuck off, natpo, you navel-gazing mouthpiece slithering from the shadows of your former greatness to parrot one cruel suggestion after another.

    We do not need to follow America’s footsteps. We’re good being happier.

  • says the head of the Business Council of Canada

    Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way; bullshit. Governments have spent money for a long time. This dude probably wants to go back to the days before income tax where you could put whatever you want in a sausage, and staff the plant with indentured 9-year-olds. I’m not even sure if spending got noticeably lower in the trickle-down era, because the Cold War was raging at the same time.