This needs (IMO) more attention, seems to fit here…

  •  Zoop   ( ) 
    2 months ago

    Looks like a great article. Thanks for posting it! :) I hope that we do ‘rewild’ the Internet, but I don’t know…I don’t have much faith that it’ll actually happen because of those who stand to keep raking in tons of money by keeping their monopolies/duopolies/etc and all the power they have. I hope I’m wrong!!

  • I’m aging along and I can remember the “old” internet, including the wild-and-wooly IRC/BBS days. It was a much freer space and I’d love to see it regain its Wild West character.

    I think there’s a generational issue at work, however: the internet is no longer cool or subversive. For most folks under about 35, it’s just another appliance.