Impressions after a week using KDE Neon: Amazing

It’s been fairly stable as I would expect from an LTS. There’s LOT of hiccups with whatever is happening in the tray area (power and battery sometimes doesn’t work).

Language is pretty screwed up. I speak both English/Spanish in a Spanish location. Installer chooses half spanish and english in the /etc/locale, and has issues changing it in the frontend.

Overall nothing I can’t fix as I put stability overall

@kde #linux #kde

  •  Sina   ( ) 
    5 months ago

    You only used it for a week and already had issues and the team did not even brick your system with an update yet. xd

    Neon maybe has its niche (though I question the point of User Edition), but regular users should stay very far away. Arch is far more stable and it’s less effort to maintain it too. If you want stability and LTS go with Kububtu or Debian.

      •  Sina   ( ) 
        5 months ago

        I don’t know if it’s a problem with experience.

        I think it’s mainly these two things:

        -Intermingling very old Ubuntu packages with bleeding edge KDE.

        -The goal is to demo & test new KDE features and other considerations are secondary.

      • Yes, you have a new version every half year. That version is supported for 13 months though, so when the release after the next release comes out, you have time to upgrade to the next-old release. If you want a more stable system with more tested packages.

        Or you can just upgrade. I already tried Fedora 40 (back then rawhide, as it was not branched) for testing Plasma 6, and it was way better than KDE Neon. It is just so much more stable, Idk why.

        I had tons of bugs but those where all plasma bugs which I could report.

        It is no issue at all to upgrade, especially on atomic desktops. Like, upgrading Debian 11-12 was scary, upgrading atomic means you end in 1:1 the system they have on their servers (plus your local changes) so they are stable as heck and dont fail. If they fail, you still have your current system.

        If you “pin” the current system (sudo ostree admin pin 0) you keep it. So if the upgrade introduces some regressions, you can just choose the older system in GRUB, and you could rpm-ostree rollback to stay there.

    • @Sunny I would still be using it haha the days of distro hopping are over for me. It is tiring. Moving data and configuring things again is tiring.

      Most of my day is just staying in vscode, deliver my solutions and just call it a day then play Guild Wars 2 to unwind.

      tl;dr I’m in for the long journey unless something bad happens.

      • Good on ya! I’m still hopping from time to time, but for me it’s quite simple as all my most needed data is on my server. So don’t have to worry about transferring stuff. I’ve yet to try KDE neon, but it’s on my list 😊