Hi, sadly I have a very limited internet connection (10 Mbit). When I’m watching a video and then install something in Discover, it takes almost all the bandwidth and the video begins to stutter & buffer. Somebody knows if there’s a way to limit the download speed for discover - preferably without installing additional software?

  • You may or may not have a mechanism to limit bandwidth on the whole connection. It could be at the router level or possibly an option on your network card configuration. If you have the capability, setting a limit at 90% of your bandwidth should leave enough room to minimize the issues you’re seeing.

  • Yeah as others have hinted at this is going to be easier with a router/network level feature.

    I’m sure there’s a way to do this by setting up a special virtual interface, limiting the bandwidth on that interface and then using iptables to redirect the apt traffic to that interface or something to that effect but I’m not a network engineer and I don’t have the experience to help with something like that. There might also be a way to do this with cgroups to limit the bandwidth but again that’s above my level of expertise.