Funds are limited at the moment and i’d rather not have a monthly subscription to worry about.
i’m not in the US, if that changes anything

      •  stembolts   ( ) 
        2 months ago

        check if you can find customers who have reported receiving notices in the mail or actions taken on their customer accounts. try to find out what the penalties for violating their policy is.

        if they are pretty active, you might be stuck resorting to encrypting all of your traffic, aka a vpn

        with that vpn and some minor setup in your torrent client you can avoid all of this. for example in qbittorrent there is an option to “bind to interface” and you set it to bind to your vpn interface, so if the vpn goes down all your torrent traffic shuts down.

        i use nord, haven’t had a single issue in years, and i have received notices at multiple addresses in the past. thus… had to get vpn if i wanted to continue safely 😞

      • Postman tracker is the main one on i2p.

        And the longer your i2p runs, the faster its connection.

        For grabbing a torrent anonymously, there is nothing better.

        Tribbler has a similar idea, but as they state in their website nothing has actually been tested against a motivated hacker earning big bucks from Hollywood. And their default settings just expose your ip address.

  • Depends on the country. I once got some people in trouble when I passed through Germany because I didn’t know internet is heavily censored/surveilled there. Haven’t had trouble anywhere else though. Do some research on your country.

    The biggest threats come from the movie industry. Just use streaming sites for movies and series, torrent the other stuff.

    Look into Tribler, I2P and Utopia.

  •  rufus   ( ) 
    202 months ago

    There are very few countries where torrenting is safe. Generally speaking: No. You can try file hosters or other platforms, or share a VPN with a friend or use services similar to a VPN. AFAIK there is not alternative that’s as fast and convenient as Torrent, though.

      • A good start would be to check the website and go from there. I don’t know of a good, singular guide unfortunately—there are a couple different ways of going about torrenting on I2P.

        I can confirm that torrenting on I2P works quite well! You may have to set aside a couple weeks per movie, though. Still, the torrent selection is decent, if not quite as good as what you would get on the clearnet. You’ll want to check the postman tracker (tracker2.postman.i2p) once you have everything set up.

  •  cobra89   ( ) 
    82 months ago

    I use a private tracker and never get any mentions from my ISP because the studios aren’t on the private trackers to search for IPs because they don’t get invited and also would get banned for not seeding.

    I made the mistake of using a public tracker to download something I couldn’t find on my private tracker and got forwarded a DMCA notice the next day by my ISP.

  •  Ing0R   ( ) 
    82 months ago

    Do you have any access to internet services without registering with your name?

    Maybe at public transportation, in a mall… Please don’t bring trouble to any small businesses.

    Be prepared to find usual ports blocked and research on how to randomize your MAC address.

  • To answer your question in short , is it safely possible? No.

    From your replies it seems your ISP is active against piracy. If budget is tight I recommend, use it gives you 2gb free and it torrents on your behalf, so you’re legally safe. Also you can extend to 4gb as WELL without paying. Dm me if you want to know how.

    I know it’s not enough for big games and stuff, but most TV shows and movies you can find decent 1080p rips within that.

    Anything else will require some investment/cost.

      • I’d be curious how many account holders in the UK have actually been prosecuted for copyright infringement.

        In nearly two decades with the same ISP (Telewest > Blueyonder > VirginMedia) I’ve had a grand total of two emails from them with no teeth in it, and still download what I want from public trackers to this day.

        I get an actual letter from them? Yay, free toilet paper!


    •  Mubelotix   ( ) 
      42 months ago

      Same in France. It’s legal to leech but illegal to seed. But it’s easy for a beginner to get confused and seed without knowing, so we still do not advise torrenting to everyone

  • There’s a lot of equations that go into this.

    • Where are you located? A lot of countries don’t enforce laws - Switzerland, Poland, and Spain even permit torrenting for personal use. Third world countries are usually pretty safe.
    • What internet are you using? If you’re on your own WiFi at home, a VPN is mandatory if you don’t want nasty letters. But if you’re doing it on, say, Macca’s WiFi, you’ll be fine. Bit of a dick move if a lot of other people are using the internet, though. It’s also worth noting that some internet providers not only prohibit it, but also detect any BitTorrent usage.
    • What are you torrenting? More obscure torrents are less likely to have bots scanning for IPs.
    • Are you seeding? Seeding and/or uploading torrents without a VPN is insanely risky, because not only does it expose your IP for longer, you’re also committing the crime of sharing copyrighted content (which is prosecuted far more often than merely downloading), so unless it’s a torrent that’s close to dying, your best bet would be to leech and run.

    It’s also worth noting that there are ways to download from torrents without even having to run a client.

    • It’s safe as long as nobody breaks the rules. If law enforcement or copyright holders really wanted a login they could probably get an invite from somebody. The weak link in security is always going to be a person.

      Once they infiltrated a private tracker, they’d either have to hack them or download every torrent they want to and track down the seeders. 90% of the seeders would probably be in a different country so, is it really worth their effort? They’re not going to get the people ripping the shows and movies.

      So yes, I think getting caught on a private tracker is possible. Perhaps not probable.