My fave is my xshot longshot, yea I like high power, my second fave is my persuader, got a good deal on it, hammer action is fun
- otacon239 ( ) English1•8 months ago
Just for the novelty, I still enjoy the Titan AS-V.1:
The big rocket launcher?
Looks cool but I hate proprietary ammo.
- Herbert_W ( ) 1•7 months ago
This might be a bit of a non-answer, but my favorite thing about nerf is how different blasters can be different from each other while all being viable for use in most games. In a friendly nerf game in the park, you might see revolvers alongside lever-action rifles alongside dual-wielded derringers.
There’s a soft spot in my heart for Swarmfires and Rayvens, largely becasue those were among the best (for HvZ, for a “shoot lots and protect other humans” playstyle) blasters in production at the time when I started playing.
For “shoot a lot” I prefer cylinder stuff. Only reason my big one is a mag based is because we don’t get dart zone stuff here. And the xshot last stand sucks